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What is Coompo ?

Coompo is a JavaScript library helping building reactive web pages with a components system handling properties (props) and events.

Create a component with Coompo.Component

Needs a name and a props and a render fields.

const title = Coompo.Component({
    name: 'title',
    props: {
        text: { required: true }
    render: (props) => `<h1>${ props.text }</h1>`

name is used to identify the component.

props contains the names and the default values of the props.

render is the function describing the HTML rendering of the component. We can include sub-components there.

Components are automatically re-rendered when their props are changed.

Props : set a required or a default value

props: {
    title: { required: true },
    author: { default: '(Unknown)' }

Props : validate with validator

const validateName = (value) =>
    const errors = []
    if (value.length < 1) { errors.push('A name must contain at least one character') }
    if (!/^[A-Za-z]+$/.test(value)) { errors.push('A name must contain only letters') }
    return errors
const person = Coompo.Component({
    name: 'name',
    props: {
        text: { default: '', validator: validateName }
    render: (props) => `<p>${ }</p>`

The validator must return an array of strings. It is empty if there aren't validation errors. Otherwise it contains the error messages.

See the propValidation event section below.

Include and initialize a component with of(props)

const title = Coompo.Component({ /* ... */ })

const paragraph = Coompo.Component({ /* ... */ })

const nextSectionButton = Coompo.Component({ /* ... */ })

const section = Coompo.Component({
    /* ... */
    props: {
        title: { default: 'Untitled' },
        paragraphs: { default: [] }
    render: (props) =>

    ${ title.of({ text: props.title }) }
    ${ (props.paragraphs ?? []).map(p => paragraph.of({ text: p })).join('') }
    ${ nextSectionButton.of() }


Launch Coompo with Coompo.compose()

Prepare a placeholder in the HTML document with the coompo-root attribute...

    <!-- ... -->
    <div coompo-root></div>
    <!-- ... -->

... then compose() in a script after linking compo.js


Double-binding with coompo-is

You can use double-binding between an input's value and a component's prop :

  1. Modifying the value will also modify the prop

  2. Modifying the prop will also modify the value

const hello = Coompo.Component({
    /* ... */
    props: {
        name: { default: '' }
    render: (props) =>

    <input coompo-is="name" />
    <div>Hello ${ } !</div>


React to HTML events with the on field of a component

const title = Coompo.Component({
    /* ... */
    on: {
        click: (props) => console.log(props)

The propChange event

The propChange event is triggered when a prop's value has changed. Its arguments are :

  1. the prop's name
  2. the new value of the prop
  3. the old value of the prop
const game = Coompo.Component({
    /* ... */
    props: {
        winner: { default: null }
    on: {
        propChange: (prop, newValue, oldValue) =>
            if (prop === 'winner')
                console.log(`Now the winner is ${newValue} !`)

The propValidation event

The propValidation event is triggered when a prop's value has been validated (on component first rendering, then at each prop change). Its arguments are :

  1. the prop's name
  2. the value of the prop
  3. an indicator that is true if the value is valid, false if it is invalid
  4. the list of the error messages (one for each criterion of validation that hasn't been respected)
const state = {
    nameErrors: [],
    ageErrors: []

const errorsToComponents = (errors) => errors.length > 0
    ? => error.of({ text: e })).join('')
    : ''

const form = Coompo.Component({
    name: 'form',
    props: {
        firstname: { default: '', validator: validateName },
        age: { default: '', validator: validateAge }
    on: {
        propValidation: (prop, value, isValid, errors) => 
            console.log('propValidation', prop, value, isValid, errors)
            if (prop === 'firstname') { state.nameErrors = errors }
            else { state.ageErrors = errors }
    render: () =>

        <label for="firstname">First name</label>
        <input id=firstname" coompo-is="firstname" />
        ${ errorsToComponents(state.nameErrors) }
        <label for="age">Age</label>
        <input id=age" coompo-is="age" />
        ${ errorsToComponents(state.ageErrors) }

Custom events

Emit a custom event with Coompo.emit()...

const startButton = Coompo.Component({
    /* ... */
    on: {
        click: () => Coompo.emit('start')

... then react to the event with on[@event]

const app = Coompo.Component({
    /* ... */
    on: {
        '@start': (props) => props.started = true

Pass data through the event...

Coompo.emit('my-event', { dummy: 42 })

...then get the data

on: {
    '@my-event': (props, data) => props.dummy = data.dummy

Memoization with memoKey

Memoization allow faster re-rendering of components that are often rendered with the same props' values.

It is useful with complex components, when computing a key is faster than re-computing the rendering.

An in-memory map stores for each props configuration met the rendering expected.

The optional memoKey field of a component is a function used to compute the keys of such a map.

It has one argument : the components's props.

And it should return a simple value (undefined or null or a boolean or a number or a string).

const cell = Coompo.Component({
    name: 'cell',
    props: {
        active: { required: true }
    render: (props) => `<div class="cell ${ ? 'active' : '' }"></div>`,
    memoKey: (props) =>




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  • alebref