
1.0.1 • Public • Published

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Network interceptor for cordova app that will fix all protocol relative url requests to use https

Cordova is essentially a web view that serves files from the file system. As such, the protocl of the "url" it uses is file: (e.g. file://android_assets/www/index.html).

It is a common practice when writing modules, to reference urls to be used using the "relative protocol" // (e.g. //

In cordova, this causes the url to be fetched with the file: protocol, which causes faliures and unloaded external libraries.
For example, // will be translated to file://

To overcome the issue, the library will monkey patch a few things to force the urls to be using the https: protocol.

The library performs 4 operations:

  1. Patch the document.createElement method, which is used (amongst other things) to add dynamic scripts to be fetched by the browser. The patch will alter the script src property if needed to use a proper protocol.
  2. Patch the Image constructor, which is commonly used to fire pixels. The patch will alter the image src property if needed to use a proper protocol.
  3. Patch the XMLHttpRequest object, to alter the url if needed to use a proper protocol, before the request is being executed.
  4. Patch the fetch API, to alter the url if needed to use a proper protocol, before the request is being executed.

So, for example, if any script, no matter how fetched and when, will use // as its source, it will be translated and fetched by the correct url.


npm install cordova-network-interceptor --save


yarn add cordova-network-interceptor


Add at the TOP of the <head> element

<script src="node_modules/cordova-network-interceptor/dist/index.js"></script>


The code introduced here is inspired by a mesh up of code examples taken from:

Package Sidebar


npm i cordova-network-interceptor

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  • regevbr