- Android (Minimum Android 5.5/API level 21)
- iOS (Coming Soon)
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-cooee \
--variable COOEE_APP_ID="your-cooee-app-id" \
--variable COOEE_APP_SECRET="your-cooee-app-secret"
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-cooee \
--variable COOEE_APP_ID="your-cooee-app-id" \
--variable COOEE_APP_SECRET="your-cooee-app-secret"
Logging events
This method would send custom events to the server. It takes two parameter
cordova.plugins.CooeeSdkPlugin.sendEvent(<string> eventName, <map> eventProperties, success, failure);
Setting user properties
This method would update custom user properties and send it to server. It takes one parameter
.cordova.plugins.CooeeSdkPlugin.updateUserProperties(<map> userProperties, success, failure)
Setting user data
This method would update custom user data and send it to server. It takes one parameter
.cordova.plugins.CooeeSdkPlugin.updateUserData(<map> userData, success, failure)