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This package is deprecated. Please use instead


1.5.0 • Public • Published

CouchBackup (deprecated)

PLEASE USE @cloudant/couchbackup INSTEAD

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CouchBackup is a command-line utility that allows a CouchDB database to be backed-up to a text file. It comes with a companion command-line utility that can restore the backed up data.

** N.B. couchbackup does not do CouchDB replication as such, it simply streams through a database's _changes feed, and uses POST /db/_bulk_get to fetch the documents, storing the documents it finds on disk. **


To install use npm:

npm install -g couchbackup


Either environment variables or command-line options can be used to specify the URL of the CouchDB or Cloudant instance, and the database to work with.


To define the URL of the CouchDB instance set the COUCH_URL environment variable:

export COUCH_URL=http://localhost:5984


export COUCH_URL=

Alternatively we can use the --url command-line parameter.

The Database name

To define the name of the database to backup or restore, set the COUCH_DATABASE environment variable:

export COUCH_DATABASE=animals

Alternatively we can use the --db command-line parameter


To backup a database to a text file, use the couchbackup command, directing the output to a text file:

couchbackup > backup.txt

Another way of backing up is to set the COUCH_URL environment variable only and supply the database name on the command-line:

couchbackup --db animals > animals.txt

Logging & resuming backups

You may also create a log file which records the progress of the backup with the --log parameter e.g.

couchbackup --db animals --log animals.log > animals.txt

This log file can be used to resume backups from where you left off with --resume true:

couchbackup --db animals --log animals.log --resume true >> animals.txt

You may also specify the name of the output file, rather than directing the backup data to stdout:

couchbackup --db animals --log animals.log --resume true --output animals.txt


Now we have our backup text file, we can restore it to an existing database using the couchrestore:

cat animals.txt | couchrestore

or specifying the database name on the command-line:

cat animals.txt | couchrestore --db animalsdb

Compressed backups

If we want to compress the backup data before storing to disk, we can pipe the contents through gzip:

couchbackup --db animals | gzip > animals.txt.gz

and restore the file with:

cat animals.tar.gz | gunzip | couchdbrestore --db animals2

What's in a backup file?

A backup file is a text file where each line contains a JSON encoded array of up to 500 objects e.g.


What's in a log file?

A log file contains a line:

  • for every batch of document ids that need to be fetched e.g. :t batch56 [{"id":"a"},{"id":"b"}]
  • for every batch that has been fetched and stored e.g. :d batch56
  • to indicate that the changes feed was fully consumed e.g. :changes_complete

What is shallow mode?

When you run couchbackup with --mode shallow a simpler backup is performed, only backing up the winning revisions of the database. No revision tokens are saved and any conflicting revisions are ignored. This is a faster, but less complete backup. Shallow backups cannot be resumed because they do not produce a log file.

Why use CouchBackup?

The easiest way to backup a CouchDB database is to copy the ".couch" file. This is fine on a single-node instance, but when running multi-node Cloudant or using CouchDB 2.0 or greater, the ".couch" file only contains a single shard of data. This utility allows simple backups of CouchDB or Cloudant database using the HTTP API.

This tool can be used to script the backup of your databases. Move the backup and log files to cheap Object Storage so that you have multiple copies of your precious data.

Options reference

Environment variables

  • COUCH_URL - the URL of the CouchDB/Cloudant server e.g.
  • COUCH_DATABASE - the name of the database to act upon e.g. mydb (default 'test')
  • COUCH_PARALLELISM - the number of HTTP requests to perform in parallel when restoring a backup e.g. 10 (Default 5)
  • COUCH_BUFFER_SIZE - the number of documents fetched and restored at once e.g. 100 (default 500)
  • COUCH_LOG - the file to store logging information during backup
  • COUCH_RESUME - if 'true', resumes a previous backup from its last known position
  • COUCH_OUTPUT - the file name to store the backup data (defaults to stdout)
  • COUCH_MODE - if 'shallow', only a superfical backup is done, ignoring conflicts and revision tokens. Defaults to 'full' - a full backup.

Command-line paramters

  • --url - same as COUCH_URL environment variable
  • --db - same as COUCH_DATABASE
  • --parallelism - same as COUCH_PARALLELISM
  • --buffer - same as COUCH_BUFFER_SIZE
  • --log - same as COUCH_LOG
  • --resume - same as COUCH_RESUME
  • --output - same as COUCH_OUTPUT
  • --mode - same as COUCH_MODE

Using programmatically

You can now use couchbackup programatically. First install the couchbackup into your project with npm install --save couchbackup. Then you can import the library into your code:

  var couchbackup = require('couchbackup');

Define some options, using an object that contains attributes with the same names as the environment variables used to configure the command-line utilities:

var opts = {
  "COUCH_URL": "",
  "COUCH_DATABASE": "mydb",

The you can backup data to a stream:

couchbackup.backupStream(process.stdout, opts, function() {
  // done!

or to a file

couchbackup.backupFile("backup.txt", opts, function() {
  // done!

Similarly, you can restore from a stream:

couchbackup.restoreStream(process.stdin, opts, function() {
  // done!

The couchbackup functions emit events:

  • written - when a group of documents is backuped up or restored
  • writecomplete - emitted once when all documents are backed up or restored
  • writeerror - emitted when something goes wrong

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  • glynnbird