This template provides Ornio AS structure, styles and common tool to get the project up and running.
To use this template within your project, add --template ornio
when creating a new app.
For example run:
npx create-react-app my-app --template ornio
yarn create-react-app my-app --template ornio
or from github repo
npx create-react-app my-app --template=git+
- Typescript
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Husky
- TailwindCSS
- Clsx
- Joi
- Craco
- Dayjs
- GraphQL
- GraphQL-Codegen
- Apollo
- Loadable Components
- React Helmet
- i18n
- React Router
- 📁 components
- 📁 atoms
- 📁 molecules
- 📁 organisms
- 📁 templates
- 📁 config
- 📁 enums
- 📁 graphql
- 📁 client
- 📁 fragments
- 📁 gen
- 📁 hooks
- 📁 mutation
- 📁 query
- 📁 subscription
- 📁 hooks
- 📁 interfaces
- 📁 models
- 📁 types
- 📁 pages
- 📁 routes
- 📁 styles
- 📁 base
- 📁 vendor
- 📁 utils
- 📁 validatiors
- delete tailwind.config.js
- remove /styles/vendor/tailwincss/tailwind.css import in /styles/main.scss
- delete /styles/vendor/tailwindcss
- remove tailwind plugin from .eslintrc (under extends "plugin:tailwind/recommended")
- uninstall following packages by running
npm uninstall tailwindcss@npm:@tailwindcss/postcss7-compat postcss autoprefixer
This project was bootstrapped with Ornio Create React App Template.
Starts development server
Builds production version of the App
Runs tests
Should not be used
Runs prettier format
Does typescript type checking
Lints all files in src folder
Generates report for app and all its dependencies.
Runs graphQL codegen