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1.1.1 • Public • Published


Lightweight crawler written in TypeScript using ES6 generators.

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npm install --save crawler-ts crawler-ts-htmlparser2



The createCrawler function expects the following options as the first parameter.

 * @type {L} The type of the locations to crawl, e.g. `URL` or `string` that represents a path.
 * @type {R} The type of the response at the location that is crawler, e.g. Cheerio object, file system `fs.Stats`.
 * @type {P} The intermediate parsed result that can be parsed from the response and generated by the crawler.
interface Options<L, R, P> {
   * This function should return the response for the given location.
  requester(location: L): ValueOrPromise<R | undefined>;
   * This function should return true if the crawler should parse the response, or false if not.
  shouldParse(props: PreParseProps<L, R>): ValueOrPromise<boolean>;
   * This function should parse the response and convert the response to the parsed type.
  parser(props: PreParseProps<L, R>): ValueOrPromise<P | undefined>;
   * This function should return true if the crawler should yield the parsed result, or false if not.
  shouldYield(props: PostParseProps<L, R, P>): ValueOrPromise<boolean>;
   * This function should yield all the locations to follow in the given parsed result.
  follower(props: PostParseProps<L, R, P>): AsyncGenerator<L>;
   * This function should return true if the crawler should queue the location for crawling, or false if not.
  shouldQueue(props: { location: L; origin: L; response: R; parsed: P }): ValueOrPromise<boolean>;
   * The logger can be set to `console` to output debug information to the `console`.
   * @default undefined
  logger?: Logger;

interface PreParseProps<L, R> {
  location: L;
  response: R;

interface PostParseProps<L, R, P> extends PreParseProps<L, R> {
  parsed: P;

type ValueOrPromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;

There are built-in modules available that implement some of these configuration values. See Modules section.



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This module implements a requester that uses node-fetch to request content over HTTP.

See modules/crawler-ts-fetch.


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This module implements a requester, parser and follower for HTML. The requester uses crawler-ts-fetch to request content over HTTP. The parser uses htmlparser2 to parse HTML files. The follower uses the parser result to find <a> anchor elements and yields its href properties.

See modules/crawler-ts-htmlparser2.


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This module implements a requester, parser and follower for the file system. The requester uses fs.stat to request file information. The parser by default just returns the response from the requester. The follower follows directories.


Gillis Van Ginderachter


GNU General Public License v3.0

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npm i crawler-ts-fs

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  • supergillis