
1.0.3 • Public • Published

Create Aurora App

Quickly build apps backed by the Aurora blockchain


Make sure you have:

  • a current version of Node.js installed – we are targeting versions >=18
  • git installed
  • for the smart contracts development, please install yarn with npm install --global yarn or read more here
  • we also recommend using pnpm for all of your Node projects

Getting Started

To create a new Aurora project you will need to run:

  • Create a dApp: npx create-aurora-app@latest dapp <project-name>
  • Write smart-contracts npx create-aurora-app@latest contract <project-name>

Follow the instructions in the in the project you just created! 🚀


You can create contracts written in Solidity. The repo used for these is Aurora Contract Examples.

It contains two smart contract development frameworks separated by folder:

  • Truffle
  • Hardhat

In each of these you will find a few smart contract examples. To install dependencies there just run yarn install.

Then, you can just investigate the file structure or read more docs about how deployment is done here.


Our dApp is based on top of the React and Wagmi.

The repo used for these is Aurora dApp Example.

It contains the next basic functionalities for you project:

  • Connecting a wallet
  • Getting account data
  • Sending transactions
  • Reading contracts
  • Writing contracts

You can read more about each of these inside the Build A Dapp section of our documentation.

Getting Help

Check out our documentation or chat with us on Discord. We'd love to hear from you!

Useful Resources

Intro to EVM development

We encourage developers, who want to onboard into web3 to try using the best Ethereum onboarding resources:

  • CryptoZombies is a great way to learn to write smart contracts for beginners.
  • SolidityByExample one of the best way to learn Solidity contracts by example.
  • Ethereum Speedrun based on ScaffoldETH: a bunch of tutorials explaining how to build Dapps - NFT, ERC-20, Staking, DEX, Multisigs, etc. It starts with simpler ones and moves forward gradually to more complex examples.
  • Viem and Wagmi are the tools you will want to use to communicate between your UI and the blockchain.

To try all of the projects and tutorials mentioned above on Aurora all you need to do is to change your RPC URL and that is it! Or in other words, just add Aurora network to your project. You can find information about the RPC endpoints here.

Aurora Developer Portal

At Aurora, we also have Aurora's DevPortal to help you learn more about the specifics of the development on Aurora and how our core products work. So, if you are already an experienced developer and want to learn more about more advanced themes, please consider visiting it.

We suggest you start with the following articles:

You can learn a lot from our GitHub organization repositories, directly from code. Here are the most popular ones:




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  • thezerox