npm install create-redux-reducer --save-dev
Creates reducer actions object where you can describe actions as computed keys. Receives 2 parameters: the initial state of reducer and object with callbacks for each type of action. Each type callback receives 3 parameters: current state, payload and error. In your action creators you must always return an object with type and payload keys to follow the actions convention.
import createReducer from 'create-redux-reducer';
// reducers/auth.js
const initialState = {
isAuthorized: false,
isLoading: false,
error: false,
user: {}
export default createReducer(initialState, {
[LOGIN_REQUEST]: (state, payload) => ({
...state, isLoading: true
[LOGIN_SUCCESS]: (state, payload) => ({
...state, isLoading: false, isAuthorized: true, user: payload, error: false
[LOGIN_FAILURE]: (state, payload) => ({
...state, error: payload, user: {}, isAuthorized: false, isLoading: false