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Create Twitch Ext(ension)

A node.js CLI tool to generate a Twitch Extension project for you. If your familiar tools like create-react-app, that was our inspiration for this tool!

What can it do?

create-twitch-ext was created to take take the guess work out of making a Twitch Extension. Run the command npx create-twitch-ext, answer a few questions, and have it generate a baseline Twitch Extension so you can get to developing right away.

Right now it has support for generating a very simple Twitch Extension project using Vanilla JavaScript template. But in the near future the hope is to provide options to generate a Twitch Extension project for all major UI libraries like ReactJS, Vue.js, Angular and more.

How do I use it?

I tried to make this CLI tool as easy to use as possible and I hope you agree.

Minimum Requirements: Node > 8

Getting Started:

npx create-twitch-ext <project-name>

You will then be asked a couple of questions.

  • Which project template you would like? (Only Vanilla JavaScript Template Supported)
  • Select which type(s) you are creating

Boom your done! Your project should be created and your ready to getting coding.

Contributing a template

Want to contribute a template for create-twitch-ext? Awesome! Couple things like to go over before you get started.


  • Templates should be minimal base for getting a user starting developing.
  • Try not to be overlay opinionated about how the template is configured. You should provide the foundation to get started with out handcuffing them or confusing the coder with fancy implementations.
  • Existing templates are not opinionated by design, don't try making pull request to add X or Y library

If you have a cool Twitch Extension project that uses ReactJS with the latest state management hotness and other cool bell and whistles? The add it as a template!

How do I add my template?

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Create a folder for your new template inside template folder. Name it after

  3. Inside your template folder create a template.json file and create a folder called template

  4. The template.json will contain the template dependencies. It will contain 3 main things.

    • Regular project dependencies dependencies
    • Development dependencies devDependencies
    • npm scripts to run the resulting projects

    If you look at the template-plain project you will notice that the devDependencies declares the dependencies and desired version. This by design to lock all our development dependencies because those usually are more brittle and breaking on version updates for things like Webpack and associated plugins.

  5. The template folder will house the code for your new template. There should be a few things in your template folder to complete things.

    • webpack-template.json. This houses HTML template the various Twitch Extension views will use when selected by the user and generated. Take a look at templates/template-plain/webpack-template.json to see how this is setup. You should only have to modify the template attributed if your have custom HTML templates for the various views.
    • webpack.common.ejs. I recommend copying over the one inside template-plain and adjusting it so that you have all the webpack plugins for your template to run. CLI tool will use the webpack.common.ejs and inject the the users selected HTML views they want to generate and then output it as webpack.common.js.
    • configuration for development mode
    • configuration for product build to upload to Twitch Dev
    • src folder containing your template code.
    • gitignore, yes not .gitignore, this will be renamed when the user project is created
    • A so the user know how to use the generated project from your template

    You will notice there is now package.json file. This will be generated based off the dependencies and scripts you specified in template.json file.

  6. Update src/prompts/askForTemplateTypes.ts and add your news template to the array of templates.

  7. After all that is done, create a Pull Request to talk2megooseman/create-twitch-ext to get your new template reviewed and merged!

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npm i create-twitch-ext

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  • talk2megooseman