It is Contentstack’s CLI plugin to migrate rte. Using this command, you can copy existing value of HTML RTE into JSON RTE.
$ npm install -g cs-cli-1-cm-migrate-rte
$ csdx COMMAND
running command...
$ csdx (--version)
cs-cli-1-cm-migrate-rte/1.4.17 darwin-arm64 node-v21.6.2
$ csdx --help [COMMAND]
$ csdx COMMAND
Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte [-c <value>] [-a <value>] [--stack-api-key <value>] [--content-type <value>]
[--global-field] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--html-path <value> --json-path <value>] [--delay <value>] [--locale
<value>] [--batch-limit <value>]
-a, --alias=<value> Alias(name) for the management token
-c, --config-path=<value> Path to config file
-y, --yes Agree to process the command with the current configuration
--batch-limit=<value> [default: 50] Provide batch limit for updating entries
--branch=<value> [optional] branch name
--content-type=<value> The content type from which entries will be migrated
--delay=<value> [default: 1000] Provide delay in ms between two entry update
--global-field This flag is set to false by default. It indicates that current content type is a
--html-path=<value> Provide path of HTML RTE to migrate
--json-path=<value> Provide path of JSON RTE to migrate
--locale=<value> The locale from which entries will be migrated
--stack-api-key=<value> Stack api key to be used
Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE
$ csdx cm:migrate-rte
General Usage
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --config-path path/to/config.json
Using Flags
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path html-path --json-path json-path
Nested RTE
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.json_rte_uid
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path group_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path group_uid.json_rte_uid
Global Field
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type global_field_uid --global-field --html-path html-path --json-path json-path
See code: src/commands/cm/entries/migrate-html-rte.js
Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE
$ csdx cm:migrate-rte [-c <value>] [-a <value>] [--stack-api-key <value>] [--content-type <value>]
[--global-field] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--html-path <value> --json-path <value>] [--delay <value>] [--locale
<value>] [--batch-limit <value>]
-a, --alias=<value> Alias(name) for the management token
-c, --config-path=<value> Path to config file
-y, --yes Agree to process the command with the current configuration
--batch-limit=<value> [default: 50] Provide batch limit for updating entries
--branch=<value> [optional] branch name
--content-type=<value> The content type from which entries will be migrated
--delay=<value> [default: 1000] Provide delay in ms between two entry update
--global-field This flag is set to false by default. It indicates that current content type is a
--html-path=<value> Provide path of HTML RTE to migrate
--json-path=<value> Provide path of JSON RTE to migrate
--locale=<value> The locale from which entries will be migrated
--stack-api-key=<value> Stack api key to be used
Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE
$ csdx cm:migrate-rte
General Usage
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --config-path path/to/config.json
Using Flags
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path html-path --json-path json-path
Nested RTE
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.json_rte_uid
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path group_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path group_uid.json_rte_uid
Global Field
$ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type global_field_uid --global-field --html-path html-path --json-path json-path