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Generate HTML documents from just CSS.

Give it a try on Cascades


[!NOTE] CSS-to-HTML relies on some browser-only JS features, so it doesn't work in Node (yet).
If you want to use this in a Node project, please use a webdriver like Puppeteer.

With a Bundler

npm i css-to-html
import { cssToHtml } from 'css-to-html';

// From a CSS string:
const css = 'p { color: purple; }';
const html = await cssToHtml(css);

// Or from a style element:
const css = document.querySelector('style').sheet.cssRules;
const html = await cssToHtml(css);

Or as a Static Script

Download the latest script from the releases page. Then include the script in your site:

<script src="path/to/css-to-html.js"></script>

const css = 'p { color: purple; }';

cssToHtml(css).then(html => {



h1 {
    content: 'Awesome!';
    color: grey;
p > button.rounded {
    content: 'Click here';
    background: #fff;
    border-radius: 8px;
p > button.rounded:hover {
    background: #ddd;
a img#logo {
    content: 'https://example.com/image';
    display: block;
    width: 1.5em;
    height: 1.5em;


        <button class="rounded">Click here</button>
    <a><img src="https://example.com/image" id="logo"></a>

[!NOTE] cssToHtml always returns an HTMLBodyElement. To get the string representation of the generated HTML, use innerHTML or outerHTML. For example:

const html = await cssToHtml('h1#greeting { content: "Hello!"; }');
console.log( html.innerHTML ); // '<h1 id="greeting">Hello!</h1>'
console.log( html.outerHTML ); // '<body><h1 id="greeting">Hello!</h1></body>'


An options object can be passed as the second argument to cssToHtml() to customize the behavior of the HTML generator. (Values marked with * are default).

Option Values Description
duplicates preserve Preserve duplicate elements. Eg:
button {} button {}
Will become:
remove * Remove duplicate elements. Eg:
button {} button {}
Will become:
fill fill * Fill the DOM with duplicate elements up to the desired location. Eg:
span#fourth:nth-child(4) {}
Will become:
<span></span><span></span><span></span><span id="fourth"></span>.
no-fill Don't fill. Eg:
span#fourth:nth-child(4) {}
Will become:
<span id="fourth"></span>.
imports include Fetch imported stylesheets and include them in the HTML generation process.
style-only * Ignore @import rules when generating HTML.
mergeNth merge * Elements generated from :nth- selectors will be merged with any similar element occupying the desired location.
no-merge These elements will not be merged.
sanitize all * Sanitize the generated HTML using DOMPurify.
imports Only sanitize the HTML generated from imported stylesheets.
off Don't sanitize the generated HTML.
import { cssToHtml, type Options } from 'css-to-html';

// An example options object (populated with default values).
const options: Options = {
    duplicates: 'remove',
    fill: 'fill',
    imports: 'style-only',
    mergeNth: 'merge',
    sanitize: 'all'

const css = 'p { color: purple; }';
const html = await cssToHtml(css, options);

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