Cucumber TestRail
Portal for Displaying Cucumber Results from CircleCI on TestRail!

Setup on TestRail
Create New Project and enter project overview. The last number in the resulting url is your project_id
Navigate to Test Cases tab
Generate a new section and add test cases for your suite
Navigate to Test Runs & Results tab
Click on Add Test Plan Button
Give your test plan a name and click Add Test Plan. The last number in the resulting url is your testplan_id
Setup on CircleCI
Enable CircleCI builds for your repository
Add your username and password as environment variables in the CircleCI dashboard's project settings

Setup on Your Project
- Add a
file to your root directory containing the following information:
testrail_url: ""
- suite:
project_id: [your project_id]
project_symbol: 'SYM'
suite_id: (optional) 1
section_id: (optional) [your section_id (not exposed on the UI but is sequential so starts with 1)]
testplan_id: [your testplan_id]
In this configuration, you will have one suite. Tags with the SYM symbol in your cucumber tags will correlate with this TestRail suite.
- In your project source, add the following
version: 6.1.0
# create a new folder in circle's artifacts directory for our cucumber results
- mkdir -p $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/cucumber
# run the cucumber tests and publish the json format to circle's artifacts
- cucumber-js --format json:$CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/cucumber/tests.cucumber --format pretty
- ./bin/publish_results
Check out the FAQs page about configuring nightly test runs.
- Add
or any subsitute that will define when the builds should publish results to testrail:
./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-testrail -c cucumber_testrail.yml -r $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/cucumber/tests.cucumber -u $TESTRAIL_USERNAME -p $TESTRAIL_PASSWORD -i '[SOME MESSAGE]'
Here, [SOME MESSAGE] could denote an environment or and action. You can remove that option if you don't need it.
- Write Cucumber Tests with proper TestRail tags! In order to add feature tests that correlate with the above sample suite, add the following tag to the top of your scenario:
Scenario: Logging in to the Application
In this example, this scenario maps to case_id 1 from your SYM test suite
- Merge tests and watch the update!
See our Frequently Asked Questions page for other important information before you get started.