
1.0.5 • Public • Published


custom-alert-expo is a customizable alert component for React Native applications, designed to work seamlessly with Expo. This library provides an easy way to create custom alerts similar to iOS alerts.


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You can install the package using npm or yarn:

npm install custom-alert-expo


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native';
import tailwind from 'twrnc';
import CustomAlert from 'custom-alert-expo';

const LogOut = () => {
    const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);

    const OkayButton = {
        text: "OKAY",
        onPress: () => {
            setIsVisible((prev) => !prev);
    const options = {
        title: "Are You Sure?",
        subTitle: "Please confirm if you wish to proceed with logging out.",
        buttons: [
                text: "Confirm",
                onPress: () => {
                    // write any other code
                    setIsVisible((prev) => !prev);
                text: "Cancel",
                onPress: () => {
                    // write any other code
                    setIsVisible((prev) => !prev);

    return (
        <View style={[tailwind`bg-black flex w-full h-full items-center justify-center`]}>
            {isVisible && <CustomAlert isVisible={isVisible} options={options}/>}
            <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => setIsVisible(true)}>
                <Text style={[tailwind`text-white text-[14px]`]}>Log Out</Text>

export default LogOut;

## Props

- `isVisible` (boolean, optional): Controls the visibility of the alert. Defaults to `true`.
- `options` (object, required): Configuration options for the alert.
  - `title` (string): Title of the alert.
  - `subTitle` (string): Subtitle of the alert.
  - `buttons` (array): Array of button objects.
    - `text` (string): Text displayed on the button.
    - `onPress` (function): Function to execute when the button is pressed.
- `style` (object, optional): Additional styles to apply to the alert component.

### Supported Style Props

- `safeAreaView` (object): Styles for the SafeAreaView container wrapping the modal.
- `blurView` (object): Styles for the BlurView component used for background blur.
- `container` (object): Styles for the main container of the alert.
- `contentContainer` (object): Styles for the container of the alert content.
- `title` (object): Styles for the alert title text.
- `subTitle` (object): Styles for the alert subtitle text.
- `button` (object): Styles for the alert button containers.
- `buttonText` (object): Styles for the alert button text.

## Enjoy

Remember, great code is like a fine-tuned instrument—it sings when it's played right. Keep coding, stay inspired, and build amazing things!

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  • farmantasleem