This is a library based on the awesome project CVA created by Joe Bell ( Since CVA is very unopiniated I decided to add some of my opinions on top of it. The main goal is to make it easier to create React components using it, in a sintax very similar to css-in-js
npm install cva-component
yarn add cva-component
here is a small example on how to use this lib
import { CVAComponent } from 'cva-component'
export const AvatarBorder = CVAComponent('div', {
base: `
rounded-full flex items-center justify-center
bg-gradient-to-b from-green-50 to-purple-50
variants: {
size: {
sm: `h-8 w-8`,
md: `h-10 w-10`,
lg: `h-[72px] w-[72px]`,
defaultVariants: {
size: 'md',
the first paramater is a html tag or a React component to which you want to pass the classname. The second parameter is a config object that will be passed to CVA under the hood. The return will be a component, you can use it like this:
import * as S from './styles'
<S.AvatarBorder variants={{ size: 'sm' }}>
Have you got tired of writing hover:something hover:something-else when working with tailwindcss? This lib also gives you a nicer way to write this:
import { CVAComponent, before } from 'cva-component'
export const NavigationContainer = CVAComponent('div', {
base: `
fixed left-1 top-1 bottom-1
flex flex-col rounded-xl
my-5 ml-5 p-12
bg-cover bg-no-repeat
export const NavigationItem = CVAComponent('div', {
base: 'flex items-center pl-5 gap-3 py-2 relative',
variants: {
isSelected: {
true: [
'text-gray-100 bold',
w-1 h-6 rounded-full
absolute left-0
from-green-50 to-purple-50
false: `text-gray-400`,
I added functions for the selectors I use the most, like hover, before, etc. But if you want to target other selector that is not there you can import selector
and pass the selector you want as the first parameter
Add this to your settings.json file:
"tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
MIT © FilipePfluck