A video player component base on Vue and iview
Demo Address
Build Setup
- setup
npm install d-video-player --save npm install iview --save
- import
import Vue form 'vue' import 'iview/dist/styles/iview.css'
- use
import DVideo from 'd-video-player' components: {DVideo}, <d-video :src="src" :type="type" :rate="rate" :options="options" @on-pause="pause" @on-start="start" @on-ended="end" @on-error="handleError" @on-loadeddata="loadeddata" @on-timeupdate="timeupdate" @on-rate-change="rateChange" ></d-video>
- params explain
:src="video path" :type="video type -- tag source's type, for example, video/mp4, default value is video/mp4" :rate="rate, just a tag, it will take effect when you already set noRatePanel = false, also the rate menu can show" :options="params" options : { autoplay, //default false muted, //default false loop, //default false noRatePanel,//default true, if you want show the rate menu, you can set it false preload, //default auto poster //default '' } @on-pause="pause callback" @on-start="start callback" @on-ended="end callback" @on-error="error callback" @on-timeupdate="timeupdate callback" @on-loadeddata="loadeddata callback" @on-rate-change="when you click the rate menu, it will return the current rate, 2 -- ld,1 -- sd(default),0 -- hd,you can set the video src as you needed"
attention and skills
- every callback have two param
@on-pause="pause($event, video)" @on-start="start($event, video)" @on-ended="end($event, video)" @on-error="handleError($event, errorMsg)" @on-loadeddata="loadeddata($event, video)" @on-timeupdate="timeupdate(currentTime, video)" @on-rate-change="rateChange(value, video)"
- you can get the video object on callback - 'on-loadeddata', also you can use this object operate the video, for example, play() or pause()
- but you can't use video object to set the video src directly
- if you need to set or change the video src, you can modify props src
- true:this.src = xxx,false:video.src = xxx;
- you must setup iview and import iview style
- if video'src change, it will not reset the progress bar, player would keep the current time and progress
- if you want reset the progress bar when change video'src, you can try 'video.currentTime = 0'