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0.0.0-alpha-7 • Public • Published


Dahongpao (大红袍)

The name is inspired by a type of black tea from China: Dahongpao (Big Red Robe).

Dahongpao is a front-end rendering framework written in TypeScript, offering two different underlying rendering engines to choose from, namely Canvas2d and pixi.js. Dahongpao provides commonly used business graphics such as: Rect (rectangle), Ellipse (ellipse), Diamond (diamond), Parallelogram (parallelogram), Trapezoid (trapezoid), Triangle (triangle), etc. Additionally, Dahongpao offers two convenient ways to use it:

  1. You can describe using Graphic Model Language (GML), which is a descriptive language for graphics defined by the author, more details can be found at Graphic Model Language (GML).
  2. You can construct data representing nodes and connections, and directly call the Dahongpao rendering App for rendering.

Quick Start

Install with npm:

npm install dahongpao

Use Canvas2dNormal from Dahongpao by importing it:

import {Canvas2dNormal, CanvasGMLApp} from "dahongpao";

Here is a specific example:

// Directly pass GML text
import {Canvas2dNormal, CanvasGMLApp} from "dahongpao";
import "./index.css"
function App() {

   const gmlApp = new CanvasGMLApp();

   const draw = () => {
      const text="// Define start node\n" +
              "Rect start x 0, y 50, w 100, h 40, text \"Start\", color 0xFF0000;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define open login page node\n" +
              "Rect openLoginPage x 150, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Open Login Page\", color 0x00FF00;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define input username node\n" +
              "Rect inputUsername x 400, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Input Username\", color 0xFF0000;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define input password node\n" +
              "Rect inputPassword x 400, y 120, w 180, h 40, text \"Input Password\", color 0x990000;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define click login button node\n" +
              "Rect clickLoginButton x 400, y 190, w 180, h 40, text \"Click Login Button\", color 0xFFA500;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define verify user information node\n" +
              "Rect verifyInfo x 650, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Verify User Information\", color 0x008000;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define login success node\n" +
              "Rect loginSuccess x 900, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Login Success\", color 0x00FF00;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define login failed node\n" +
              "Rect loginFailed x 900, y 120, w 180, h 40, text \"Login Failed\", color 0xFF0000;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "// Define retry node\n" +
              "Rect retry x 650, y 190, w 180, h 40, text \"Retry\", color 0xFFC300;\n" +
              "\n" +
              "start --> openLoginPage;\n" +
              "openLoginPage --> inputUsername;\n" +
              "openLoginPage -poly-> inputPassword;\n" +
              "openLoginPage -poly-> clickLoginButton;\n" +
              "inputUsername --> verifyInfo;\n" +
              "inputPassword -poly-> verifyInfo;\n" +
              "clickLoginButton -poly-> verifyInfo;\n" +
              "inputUsername -poly-> retry;\n" +
              "inputPassword -poly-> retry;\n" +
              "clickLoginButton -poly-> retry;\n" +
              "verifyInfo --> loginSuccess;\n" +
              "retry -poly-> loginFailed;\n"

   return (
           <div className="container">
              <button onClick={draw}>Draw</button>
              <div style={{width:'1080px',height:'800px'}}>
                 <Canvas2dNormal gmlApp={gmlApp}/>

export default App

The production example image is as follows: img.png

Dahongpao also provides a packaged ExampleApp, which includes simple interactions such as dragging; it can be used directly for export, as follows:

import {ExampleApp} from "dahongpao";
function App() {
  return (
export default App

click here to try

Related Explanation

GML language parsing is supported by antlr4; Currently, it supports two underlying rendering engines, canvas2d and pixi.js, for users to switch between; Use CanvasGMLApp for canvas2d rendering; use PixiGMLApp for pixi.js rendering; The draw method is provided for parsing GML language and drawing;

export interface GMLApp {
    draw(text: string): void;

// Rendering with canvas2d
class CanvasGMLApp implements GMLApp {
    draw(text: string): void {

// Rendering with pixi.js
class PixiGMLApp implements GMLApp {
    draw(text: string): void {

An example of using pixi.js for rendering is as follows:

import {SimpleEditZone} from "@/component/editZone/SimpleEditZone.tsx";
import {PixiCanvas} from "@/pixiRender/PixiCanvas.tsx";
import {PixiGMLApp} from "@/pixiRender/PixiGMLApp.ts";

export const ExampleApp = () => {

    const gmlApp = new PixiGMLApp();

    return (
        <div className="container">
            <SimpleEditZone gmlApp={gmlApp}/>
            <PixiCanvas gmlApp={gmlApp}/>

An example of using canvas2d for rendering is as follows:

import {CanvasGMLApp} from "@/canvasRender/CanvasGMLApp.ts";
import {SimpleEditZone} from "@/component/editZone/SimpleEditZone.tsx";
import {Canvas2dNormal} from "@/canvasRender/Canvas2dNormal.tsx";

export const ExampleApp = () => {

    const gmlApp = new CanvasGMLApp();

    return (
        <div className="container">
            <SimpleEditZone gmlApp={gmlApp}/>

Here are some GML definitions and their actual effects

A simple description can be represented as follows:

Rect a x 0,y 0,w 100,h 50,angle 0,color 0xCCCCCC,text "hello world",alpha 1,borderWidth 2,borderColor 0x000000,borderAlpha 1;

Rect a represents creating a rectangle a; x 0 represents the x-coordinate of the shape is 0; y 0 represents the y-coordinate of the shape is 0; w 100 represents the width of the shape is 100; h 50 represents the height of the shape is 50; angle 0 represents the rotation angle of the shape is 0; color 0xCCCCCC represents the fill color of the shape is 0xCCCCCC; text "hello world" represents the text inside the shape is "hello world"; alpha 1 represents the fill opacity of the shape is 1; borderWidth represents the stroke width of the shape is 1; borderColor represents the stroke color of the shape is 0x000000; borderAlpha represents the stroke opacity of the shape is 1;

1.1.2. Omitted Description

The above graphic attributes can be omitted. If the attributes are omitted, they will default to their default values. The omitted description is as follows:

Rect a x 0,y 0,w 100,h 50,color 0xCCCCCC;

1.1.3. Describing Multiple Graphics at Once

Multiple graphics can be described at the same time, as follows:

Rect a,b,c x 0,y 0,w 100,h 50,color 0xCCCCCC;

The above description represents the creation of three rectangles, with position coordinates both at (0,0), width 100




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  • jasonnee0812