The name is inspired by a type of black tea from China: Dahongpao (Big Red Robe).
Dahongpao is a front-end rendering framework written in TypeScript, offering two different underlying rendering engines to choose from, namely Canvas2d and pixi.js. Dahongpao provides commonly used business graphics such as: Rect (rectangle), Ellipse (ellipse), Diamond (diamond), Parallelogram (parallelogram), Trapezoid (trapezoid), Triangle (triangle), etc. Additionally, Dahongpao offers two convenient ways to use it:
- You can describe using Graphic Model Language (GML), which is a descriptive language for graphics defined by the author, more details can be found at Graphic Model Language (GML).
- You can construct data representing nodes and connections, and directly call the Dahongpao rendering App for rendering.
npm install dahongpao
Use Canvas2dNormal from Dahongpao by importing it:
import {Canvas2dNormal, CanvasGMLApp} from "dahongpao";
Here is a specific example:
// Directly pass GML text
import {Canvas2dNormal, CanvasGMLApp} from "dahongpao";
import "./index.css"
function App() {
const gmlApp = new CanvasGMLApp();
const draw = () => {
const text="// Define start node\n" +
"Rect start x 0, y 50, w 100, h 40, text \"Start\", color 0xFF0000;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define open login page node\n" +
"Rect openLoginPage x 150, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Open Login Page\", color 0x00FF00;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define input username node\n" +
"Rect inputUsername x 400, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Input Username\", color 0xFF0000;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define input password node\n" +
"Rect inputPassword x 400, y 120, w 180, h 40, text \"Input Password\", color 0x990000;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define click login button node\n" +
"Rect clickLoginButton x 400, y 190, w 180, h 40, text \"Click Login Button\", color 0xFFA500;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define verify user information node\n" +
"Rect verifyInfo x 650, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Verify User Information\", color 0x008000;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define login success node\n" +
"Rect loginSuccess x 900, y 50, w 180, h 40, text \"Login Success\", color 0x00FF00;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define login failed node\n" +
"Rect loginFailed x 900, y 120, w 180, h 40, text \"Login Failed\", color 0xFF0000;\n" +
"\n" +
"// Define retry node\n" +
"Rect retry x 650, y 190, w 180, h 40, text \"Retry\", color 0xFFC300;\n" +
"\n" +
"start --> openLoginPage;\n" +
"openLoginPage --> inputUsername;\n" +
"openLoginPage -poly-> inputPassword;\n" +
"openLoginPage -poly-> clickLoginButton;\n" +
"inputUsername --> verifyInfo;\n" +
"inputPassword -poly-> verifyInfo;\n" +
"clickLoginButton -poly-> verifyInfo;\n" +
"inputUsername -poly-> retry;\n" +
"inputPassword -poly-> retry;\n" +
"clickLoginButton -poly-> retry;\n" +
"verifyInfo --> loginSuccess;\n" +
"retry -poly-> loginFailed;\n"
return (
<div className="container">
<button onClick={draw}>Draw</button>
<div style={{width:'1080px',height:'800px'}}>
<Canvas2dNormal gmlApp={gmlApp}/>
export default App
The production example image is as follows:
Dahongpao also provides a packaged ExampleApp, which includes simple interactions such as dragging; it can be used directly for export, as follows:
import {ExampleApp} from "dahongpao";
function App() {
return (
export default App
GML language parsing is supported by antlr4; Currently, it supports two underlying rendering engines, canvas2d and pixi.js, for users to switch between; Use CanvasGMLApp for canvas2d rendering; use PixiGMLApp for pixi.js rendering; The draw method is provided for parsing GML language and drawing;
export interface GMLApp {
draw(text: string): void;
// Rendering with canvas2d
class CanvasGMLApp implements GMLApp {
draw(text: string): void {
// Rendering with pixi.js
class PixiGMLApp implements GMLApp {
draw(text: string): void {
An example of using pixi.js for rendering is as follows:
import {SimpleEditZone} from "@/component/editZone/SimpleEditZone.tsx";
import {PixiCanvas} from "@/pixiRender/PixiCanvas.tsx";
import {PixiGMLApp} from "@/pixiRender/PixiGMLApp.ts";
export const ExampleApp = () => {
const gmlApp = new PixiGMLApp();
return (
<div className="container">
<SimpleEditZone gmlApp={gmlApp}/>
<PixiCanvas gmlApp={gmlApp}/>
An example of using canvas2d for rendering is as follows:
import {CanvasGMLApp} from "@/canvasRender/CanvasGMLApp.ts";
import {SimpleEditZone} from "@/component/editZone/SimpleEditZone.tsx";
import {Canvas2dNormal} from "@/canvasRender/Canvas2dNormal.tsx";
export const ExampleApp = () => {
const gmlApp = new CanvasGMLApp();
return (
<div className="container">
<SimpleEditZone gmlApp={gmlApp}/>
A simple description can be represented as follows:
Rect a x 0,y 0,w 100,h 50,angle 0,color 0xCCCCCC,text "hello world",alpha 1,borderWidth 2,borderColor 0x000000,borderAlpha 1;
Rect a represents creating a rectangle a; x 0 represents the x-coordinate of the shape is 0; y 0 represents the y-coordinate of the shape is 0; w 100 represents the width of the shape is 100; h 50 represents the height of the shape is 50; angle 0 represents the rotation angle of the shape is 0; color 0xCCCCCC represents the fill color of the shape is 0xCCCCCC; text "hello world" represents the text inside the shape is "hello world"; alpha 1 represents the fill opacity of the shape is 1; borderWidth represents the stroke width of the shape is 1; borderColor represents the stroke color of the shape is 0x000000; borderAlpha represents the stroke opacity of the shape is 1;
The above graphic attributes can be omitted. If the attributes are omitted, they will default to their default values. The omitted description is as follows:
Rect a x 0,y 0,w 100,h 50,color 0xCCCCCC;
Multiple graphics can be described at the same time, as follows:
Rect a,b,c x 0,y 0,w 100,h 50,color 0xCCCCCC;
The above description represents the creation of three rectangles, with position coordinates both at (0,0), width 100