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It is a package 📦 that simplifies data management and makes it easier for programmers. Created in TypeScript, this package offers functionalities that allow you to save JavaScript objects as encrypted JSON data, acting as a lightweight database, DB Lite, ideal for small projects.


The package exposes the following classes, interfaces, and types:


  • daj: instance
  • User: class type
  • DajB: abstract
  • Token: class type


  • Response: error: Error; data: Data;
  • Credentials: user: string; password: string;


  • Callback: function (error: Error, data: Data) => void
  • Data: object, string, null
  • Error: string, null

*Create the models using the abstract class 'DajB'..

The models that extend from the DajB acquire the following properties and methods:

  • key 'property': string.
  • super 'constructor': accepts a boolean indicating whether the key is automatically generated with a GUID or manually.
  • json 'method': converts the object into a JSON.
  • parse 'method': receives a JSON value and maps it to itself.
  • mapper 'method': receives an object that is mapped to itself.
  • getInstance 'method': generates a blank instance if the parameters are not provided.


import { DajB } from "daj";

class Person extends DajB {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  constructor(name: string, age: number) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;

const doctor = new Person("Jose", 32);
 key: "2h0e3y9e-372a-4f2b-b7f8-2cd73d19a6e1"
 name: "Jose",
 age: 32

Use the 'daj' class, which is an instance, with any of the methods that are similar to HTTP methods:

Method Name Parameters Return Value
registerSync User Response
loginSync Credentials Token o null
checkTokenSync Token boolean
logoutAsync Credentials boolean
getAll callback, object void
getAllSync object Response
get callback, object void
getSync object Response
getByKey callback, object, string void
getByKeySync object, string Response
post callback, object void
postSync object Response
put callback, object void
putSync object Response
delete callback, object void
deleteAsync object Response


import daj, { Response } from "daj";

const doctor = new Person("Jose", 32);
const response: Response = daj.postSync(doctor);

const { error, data } = response;

console.log(error); // null
console.log(data); // Success


import daj, { Error, Data } from "daj";

const callback = (error: Error, data: Data) => {
  console.log(error); // null
  console.log(data); // Éxito

const paciente = new Person("Felipe", 12);
daj.post(callback, paciente);

Some methods are provided to simplify the registration:

  • registerSync : registers a user.

  • loginSync : allows you to log in.

  • checkTokenSync : verifies an authentication token provided by the login.

  • logoutAsync: logs out the user.


import daj, { User, Response, Credentials, Token } from "daj";

class Model_User extends User {
  name: string;
  lastName: string;
  age: number;
  constructor(name: string, lastName: string, age: number, user: string, password: string) {
    this.name = name;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.age = age;
    this.user = user;
    this.password = password;

const teacher: Model_User = new Model_User("Carlos", "Felipe", 32, "Carlos_Felipe", "Carlos.F.3232");

// Registering user
const { error, data } = daj.registerSync(teacher);

if (!error)
  console.log(data) // Success

// Login process
const credentials: Credentials = {
  user: "Carlos_Felipe",
  password: "Carlos.F.3232"

const user_token: Token = daj.loginSync(credentials);

// 7d5a3b9e-572a-4f9b-b3f8-2c8e5d19a6e1
// Tokens are GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).

// Validating the token
const isLogin: boolean = daj.checkTokenSync(user_token.token);
console.log(isLogin) // true

// Logging out
const logout: boolean = daj.logoutAsync(credentials);
console.log(logout) // true

// Validating the token
const isLogin: boolean = daj.checkTokenSync(user_token.token);
console.log(isLogin) // false



Es un paquete 📦 que simplifica la gestión de datos y la hace más fácil para los programadores. Creado en TypeScript, este paquete ofrece funcionalidades que te permiten guardar objetos JavaScript en datos JSON cifrados como una base de datos, DB Lite, ideal para proyectos pequeños.


El paquete expone las siguientes clases, interfaces y tipos:


  • daj: instancia
  • User: tipo de clase
  • DajB: abstracto
  • Token: tipo de clase


  • Response: error: Error; data: Data;
  • Credentials: user: string; password: string;


  • Callback: función (error: Error, data: Data) => void
  • Data: object, string, null
  • Error: string, null

Crea los modelos usando la clase abstracta 'DajB'.

Los modelos que extiendan del DajB arquiere la siquiente propiedad y metodos.

  • key 'propiedad': string.
  • super 'constructor': acepta un boolean que indica si el key se genera automaticamen con un GUID o manual.
  • json 'metodo': convierte el objecto en un json.
  • parse 'metodo': recive un valor json y lo mappea a si mismo.
  • mapper 'metodo': recive un objecto que es mappeado a si mismo.
  • getInstance 'metodo': genera un instamcia em blanco si no se proporcional los parametros.


import { DajB } from "daj";

class Person extends DajB {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  constructor(name: string, age: number) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;

Usa la clase 'daj', la importación es una instancia, con cualquiera de los métodos que tienen similitud a los métodos HTTP:

Nombre del método Parámetros Valor de retorno
registerSync User Response
loginSync Credential Token or null
checkTokenSync Token boolean
logoutAsync Credentials boolean
getAll callback, object void
getAllSync object Response
get callback, object void
getSync object Response
getByKey callback, object, string void
getByKeySync object, string Response
post callback, object void
postSync object Response
put callback, object void
putSync object Respo
delete callback, object void
deleteAsync object Response


import daj, { Response } from "daj";

const doctor = new Person("Jose", 32);
const response: Response = daj.postSync(doctor);

const { error, data } = response;

console.log(error); // null
console.log(data); // Success


import daj, { Error, Data } from "daj";

const callback = (error: Error, data: Data) => {
  console.log(error); // null
  console.log(data); // Success

const paciente = new Person("Felipe", 12);
daj.post(callback, paciente);

Métodos de Registro Simplificado

  • registerSync: registra un usuario.
  • loginSync: te permite iniciar sesión.
  • checkTokenSync: verifica un token de autenticación proporcionado por el inicio de sesión.
  • logoutAsync: cierra la sesión del usuario.


import daj, { User, Response, Credentials, Token } from "daj";

class Model_User extends User {
  name: string;
  lastName: string;
  age: number;
  constructor(name: string, lastName: string, age: number, user: string, password: string) {
    this.name = name;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.age = age;
    this.user = user;
    this.password = password;

const teacher: Model_User = new Model_User("Carlos", "Felipe", 32, "Carlos_Felipe", "Carlos.F.3232");

// Registrando usuario
const { error, data } = daj.registerSync(teacher);

if (!error) {
  console.log(data); // Success

// Proceso de inicio de sesión
const credentials: Credentials = {
  user: "Carlos_Felipe",
  password: "Carlos.F.3232"

const user_token: Token = daj.loginSync(credentials);

console.log(user_token.token); // 7d5a3b9e-572a-4f9b-b3f8-2c8e5d19a6e1
// Los token son GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).

// Validando el token
const isLogin: boolean = daj.checkTokenSync(user_token.token);
console.log(isLogin); // true

// Cerrando sesión
const logout: boolean = daj.logoutAsync(credentials);
console.log(logout); // true

// Validando el token
const isLogin: boolean = daj.checkTokenSync(user_token.token);
console.log(isLogin); // false




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