Large dash apps taking forever to initially render on page load? dash-lazy-load
wraps Dash components with lazy loading that only render in the page when scrolled or resized into view!
This package creates a Dash wrapper around the excellent react-lazyload
Get started
$ pip install dash-lazy-load
To get simple lazy loading set up, the only change necessary is to wrap a Dash components with dash_lazy_load.LazyLoad
import dash_lazy_loadimport dashimport dash_html_components as html app = app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True app.layout = if __name__ == '__main__':
The blue border component loads in after a debounce period on scroll(!)
Go to this link to learn about Dash.
Dash help
See the dash-components-archetype repo for more information.
To set up the development environment:
$ npm install# Run webpack to create the Dash React bundle $ npm run build-dist# Set up a virtualenv $ virtualenv venv -p python3$ source venv/bin/activate# Install the local Py $ npm run install-local
Running a local server
Run usage.py
in the virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python usage.py