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10.0.2 • Public • Published

Data Mocks Server

This package was originally a port of that prefers spinning up an express server instead of mocking out fetch and XHR operations. Thanks goes to grug for his idea and implementation.

Table of contents


npm install data-mocks-server

Example usage

const { run } = require('data-mocks-server');

  default: [
      url: '/api/test-me',
      method: 'GET',
      response: { data: { blue: 'yoyo' } },
  scenarios: {
    cheese: [
        url: '/api/test-me',
        method: 'GET',
        response: { data: { blue: 'cheese' } },

Calls to http://localhost:3000/api/test-me will start by returning { blue: 'yoyo' }.

Visiting http://localhost:3000 will allow you to Modify scenarios. The default response will always be included unless a scenario overrides it. In this case enabling cheese will modify /api/test-me so that it returns { blue: 'cheese' }.



Returns the internal express instance

function({ default, scenarios, options })


Returns an http server, with an additional kill method

function({ default, scenarios, options })


Array<Mock> | { context, mocks } | required

Property Type Default Description
context object undefined Used to set up data across API calls.
mocks Array<Mock> required See Mock for more details.


{ [scenarioName]: Array<Mock> | { group, mocks } }

Property Type Default Description
scenarioName string required Name of scenario.
Mock Mock required See Mock for more details.
group string undefined Used to group scenarios together so that only one scenario in a group can be selected.
context object undefined Used to set up data across API calls.
mocks Array<Mock> required See Mock for more details.


{ port, uiPath, modifyScenariosPath, resetScenariosPath, scenariosPath } | defaults to {}

Property Type Default Description
port number 3000 Port that the http server runs on.
uiPath string / Path that the UI will load on. http://localhost:{port}{uiPath}
modifyScenariosPath string /modify-scenarios API path for modifying scenarios. http://localhost:{port}{modifyScenariosPath}
resetScenariosPath string /reset-scenarios API path for resetting scenarios. http://localhost:{port}{resetScenariosPath}
scenariosPath string /scenarios API path for getting scenarios. http://localhost:{port}{scenariosPath}
cookieMode boolean false Whether or not to store scenario selections in a cookie rather than directly in the server



HttpMock | GraphQlMock

See HttpMock and GraphQlMock for more details.


{ url, method, response }

Property Type Default Description
url string / RegExp required Path of endpoint. Must start with /.
method 'GET' / 'POST' / 'PUT' / 'DELETE' / 'PATCH' required HTTP method of endpoint.
response undefined / Response / HttpResponseFunction undefined Response, HttpResponseFunction.


{ status, headers, data, delay }

Property Type Default Description
status number 200 HTTP status code for response.
headers object / undefined See description Key/value pairs of HTTP headers for response. Defaults to undefined when response is undefined, adds 'Content-Type': 'application/json' when response is not undefined and Content-Type is not supplied.
data null / string / object undefined Response data
delay number 0 Number of milliseconds before the response is returned.


function({ query, body, params, context, updateContext }): response | Promise<response>

Property Type Default Description
query object {} query object as defined by express.
body object {} body object as defined by express.
params object {} params object as defined by express.
context object {} Data stored across API calls.
updateContext Function partialContext => updatedContext Used to update context. partialContext can either be an object or a function (context => partialContext).
response undefined / Response required Response.


{ url, method, operations }

Property Type Default Description
url string required Path of endpoint.
method 'GRAPHQL' required Indentifies this mock as a GraphQlMock.
operations Array<Operation> required List of operations for GraphQL endpoint. See Operation for more details.


{ type, name, response }

Property Type Default Description
type 'query' / 'mutation' required Type of operation.
name string required Name of operation.
response undefined / GraphQlResponse / GraphQlResponseFunction undefined GraphQlResponse, GraphQlResponseFunction.


{ status, headers, data, delay }

Property Type Default Description
status number 200 HTTP status code for response.
headers object / undefined See description Key/value pairs of HTTP headers for response. Defaults to undefined when response is undefined, adds 'Content-Type': 'application/json' when response is not undefined and Content-Type is not supplied.
data { data?: null / object, errors?: array } undefined Response data
delay number 0 Number of milliseconds before the response is returned.


function({ variables, context, updateContext }): response | Promise<response>

Property Type Default Description
variables object {} variables sent by client.
context object {} Data stored across API calls.
updateContext Function partialContext => updatedContext Used to update context. partialContext can either be an object or a function (context => partialContext).
response undefined / GraphQlResponse required GraphQlResponse.

Allowing for multiple responses

Sometimes you may want an endpoint to respond with different status codes depending on what is sent. It is the recommendation of this package that this can be achieved by using scenarios. However, given response can be a function, it is possible to respond with a different value for the status, headers, data and delay properties:

const mock = {
  url: '/some-url',
  method: 'GET',
  response: ({ body }) => {
    if ( === 'error1') {
      return {
        status: 400,
        data: { message: 'something went wrong' },
        delay: 1000,

    if ( === 'error2') {
      return {
        status: 500,
        data: { message: 'something else went wrong' },
        delay: 2000,

    if ( === 'notFound') {
      return {
        status: 404,
        data: { message: 'no data here' },

    // Default status is 200
    return { data: { message: 'success' } };



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  • kenneth-gray