Date2 is a Javascript module created to manipulate the date. It was designed to easily manipulate the date and it provides a pretty fair number of functions that are easy to use. This module can be used in a Javascript or a Node.js application.
- npm: npm install date-2 --save
- bower: bower install date-2 --save
This module was developed in pure javascript so it has no dependencies.
to use Date2 module with javascript you need to:
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-date-2.js"></script>
var date = new Date2(); //gives the current date
var date = new Date2('01-01-2017') //detects automatically the separator and it uses DD MM YYYY as a format
var date = new Date2('01-01-2017','-') //the second parameter is optional, it specifies the separator used
and for a Node.js application:
var Date2 = require('date-2');
var date = new Date2();
date.setDelim(delim); // changes the delimitor
date.isWorkingDay(); // returns true if it's saturday or sunday
date.addWorkingDays(days); // adds days to the date while ignoring saturday and sunday
date.removeWorkingDays(days); // removes days from the date while ignoring saturday and sunday
date.addDays(days); // adds days to the date
date.removeDays(days); // removes days from the date
date.getJSDate(); // returns the Javascript Date object
date.getDay(); // returns the day of the month as an integer
date.getMonth(); // returns the month
date.getYear(); // returns the year
date.dayOfWeek(); // returns the day of the week as an integer (between 0 and 6)
date.dayOfWeekLetterShort(); // returns the acronym of the day of the week in letters
date.dayOfWeekLetterFull(); // returns the day of the week in letters
date.monthLetterShort(); // returns the acronym of the month in letters
date.monthLetterFull(); // returns the month in letters
date.compareDate(date2); // compares between date and date2 (-1: date < date2, 1: date > date2, 0: date == date2)
date.isInRange(date1,date2); // returns true if date between date1 and date2 inclusive
date.dayDifference(date2); // returns the difference in days between date and date2
date.getNextDay(); // returns the next date
date.getPreviousDay(); // returns the previous date
date.getNextWorkingDay(); // returns the next working date
date.getPreviousWorkingDay(); // returns the previous working date
date.nextDay(); // changes the date to the next date
date.previousDay(); // changes the date to the previous date
date.nextWorkingDay(); // changes the date to the next working date
date.previousWorkingDay(); // changes the date to the previous working date
date.setLangage(langage); // changes the langage of the date object (langage: 'en' / 'fr' and is in english by default)
date.getLangage(); // gets the langage of the date object
date.toStringFormatted(format); // returns a string containing the date formatted
// d: the day in numbers without 0 in the left
// dd: the day in numbers
// ddd: the acronym of the day of the week in letters
// dddd: the day of the week in letters
// m: the month in numbers without 0 in the left
// mm: the month in numbers
// mmm: the acronym of the month in letters
// mmmm: the month in letters
// yy: the two-digit year (example: if year: 2017, it will be 17)
// yyyy: the year
- 1.3.0: Several changes (new functions and updated some others)
- 1.2.0: Several changes (new functions and updated some others)
- 1.1.1: Minor changes (test files)
- 1.1.0: Several changes (new functions and updated some functions)
- 1.0.0: The first release
- Mohamed Ali Touir
- Github:
- Email:
Date2 is published under the MIT license
Special thanks
underscore.js used from jashkenas/underscore.