
0.7.0 • Public • Published


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Synchronize your database with a cloud drive i.e. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Github, etc.

To use this library, add following properties to the document:

  • A unique ID. Number or String. Two objects are treated as the same document when they have the same ID. This is usually a UUID. The ID must be a valid filename.
  • A revision tag. Number or String. If two objects have the same ID but different revision, the cloud needs to decide which should be kept and saved. For a simple use case, you can use a timestamp as the revision tag and always keep the latest object.

In following examples, we use _id and _rev as property names.

Note: In PouchDB, _rev property is a random string which shouldn't be used as the revision tag in db-to-cloud. You may want to create a _updated property storing the timestamp of the last update.



npm install db-to-cloud


<!-- export to global variable "dbToCloud" -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/db-to-cloud/dist/db-to-cloud.min.js"></script>



const {dbToCloud, drive: {google}} = require("db-to-cloud");

const sync = dbToCloud({
  async onGet(id) {
    return await myDB.get(id);
  async onPut(doc) {
    try {
      // suppose we have a revision check in the transaction
      await myDB.put(doc);
    } catch (err) {
      if (err.type === 'outdatedDoc') {
        // the doc in the local DB is newer than the doc in the cloud
        sync.put(doc._id, err.doc._rev);
  async onDelete(id) {
    try {
      await myDB.delete(id);
    } catch (err) {}
  async onFirstSync() {
    const cursor = myDB.getAllCursor();
    while (!cursor.end()) {
      const {_id, _rev} = await cursor.next();
      sync.put(_id, _rev);
  compareRevision(rev1, rev2) {
    // if we use the timestamp as the revision tag, we can use a simple way to
    // decide which wins
    return rev1 - rev2;
  async getState(drive) {
    try {
      return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`cloudSync/${drive.name}/state`));
    } catch (err) {}
  async setState(drive, state) {
    localStorage.setItem(`cloudSync/${drive.name}/state`, JSON.stringify(state));

const cloud = google({
  getAccessToken: async () => {
    // implement a token manager to authorize the cloud
    // ...
    return token;

await sync.init();

try {
  await sync.syncNow();
} catch (err) {
  if (err.name === "RequestError" && err.code === 401) {
    // handle login error, revoke the token
    // ...

// trigger sync every 30 minutes
let syncTimer = setInterval(sync.syncNow, 30 * 60 * 1000);

Update the cloud when manipulating the database

// push the change to the cloud when manipulating on the local DB
const {_id, _rev} = await myDB.post(doc);
sync.put(_id, _rev);

// note that there is no sync.post. Technically, all documents already have an
// id before sent to the cloud.

const {_id, _rev} = await myDB.put(doc);
sync.put(_id, _rev);

const {_rev} = await myDB.delete(_id);
sync.delete(_id, _rev);

Switch to a different drive


await sync.uninit();

const newDrive = github({
  owner: "eight04",
  repo: "_MY_DB_DATA_",
  async getAccessToken() {
    // ...
    return token;

await sync.init();

syncTimer = setInterval(sync.syncNow, 30 * 60 * 1000);


This module exports following properties:

  • dbToCloud: Initialize the sync controller.
  • drive: A cloudName/cloudFactory map.


  onGet: async (id, rev) => Document,
  onDelete: async (id, rev) => void,
  onPut: async (document) => void,
  onFirstSync: async () => void,
  compareRevision: (revision1, revision2) => cmpResult: Number,
  getState: async (drive) => state: Object,
  setState: async (drive, state) => void,
  onWarn?: (message: String) => void,
  onProgress?: (progressEvent: Object) => void,
  lockExpire?: Number = 60,
  retryMaxAttempts?: Number = 5,
  retryExp?: Number = 1.5,
  retryDelay?: Number = 10
}) => sync: SyncController

Create a sync controller. Usage example.

onGet accepts a revision tag. However, you can ignore it and return/delete the latest one since it isn't useful to store outdated document in the cloud.

onDelete also accept a revision tag. You can use it to decide if the deletion takes place or should be ignored.

onPut is used to insert/update the document to the local database. You should check if the revision tag is compatible first.

onFirstSync is called on the first sync. You can push all local documents to the cloud in this hook.

compareRevision is used to decide which revision should be kept. If cmpResult > 0 then revision1 wins. If cmpResult < 0 then revision2 wins.

getState and setState are used to get/store the current state of the sync process. You should save the state object to a file or localStorage. If getState returns undefined then it is the first sync. drive is a cloud drive adapter instance. You can get the drive name from drive.name.

Use onWarn to collect warnings. Default: console.error

Use onProgress to collect sync progress. The type of progressEvent:

  phase: String,
  total?: Number,
  loaded?: Number,
  change?: {

phase can be start, end, pull, or push:

  • start - a new sync task starts.
  • end - the entire sync task completes.
  • pull - start pulling a change.
  • push - start pushing a change.

When the phase is pull or push, total and loaded indicates how many changes should be processed and how many changes completed in the current phase.

Note that change._rev is undefined in the first pull. The library doesn't know the revision until the data is fetched.

When the sync task starts, the cloud drive will be locked. However, if the process is interrupted (e.g. the browser crashed) and failed to unlock, the lock will expire after lockExpire minutes.

Before pushing files to DB, SyncController has to acquire the lock first. If the lock is in used, it will wait retryDelay * retryExp ^ n seconds and try again. If it still failes after retryMaxAttempts times, an error will be thrown.


sync.use(cloud: CloudAdapter) => void

Use a cloud adapter.


async sync.init() => void

Initialize the sync controller and read the state from the storage into memory.

sync.use should be called before this method otherwise it throws a drive is undefined error.

Without calling this function, sending items to sync.put, sync.delete, etc, has no effect. Documents are added to the queue only if this function is called.

This function does nothing if the controller is already initialized.


async sync.uninit() => void

Uninitialize the sync controller:

  1. Stop collecting local changes.
  2. Wait until all running sync task complete.
  3. Uninitialize the cloud.
  4. Save the current state.

This function does nothing if the controller is not initialized.


sync.put(id, revision) => void

Add a "put action" to the history queue.


sync.delete(id, revision) => void

Add a "delete action" to the history queue.


async sync.syncNow(peekChanges: Boolean = true) => void

Sync now. Pull remote changes from the cloud and push local changes to the cloud.

When peekChanges is true, the controller calls cloud.peekChanges to check if changes are available.


sync.isInit() => Boolean

Check if the controller has been initialized.


The library includes five cloud drive adapters.

Various adapters require browser builtins (e.g. fetch, FormData, Blob). You can check how do we implement such features in Node.js by looking into the test file.


  folder: String,
  getFs?: async () => fs.promises
}) => CloudAdapter

This adapter stores data to local disk.

The browser build doesn't include this adapter.


  getAccessToken: async () => token: String,
  fetch?: Function
}) => CloudAdapter

This adapter stores data to Dropbox.

If fetch is not supplied, use global variable fetch.


  getAccessToken: async () => token: String,
  owner: String,
  repo: String,
  fetch?: Function
}) => CloudAdapter

This adapter stores data to Github repository owner/repo.

If fetch is not supplied, use global variable fetch.


  getAccessToken: async () => token: String,
}) => CloudAdapter

This adapter stores data to Google Drive.

If fetch/FormData/Blob is not supplied, use the global variable.


  getAccessToken: async () => token: String,
}) => CloudAdapter

This adapter stores data to OneDrive.

If fetch is not supplied, use the global variable.


  username: String,
  password: String,
  url: String,
}) => CloudAdapter

This adapter stores data to webdav.

User-defined cloud drive adapter

To create a working adapter, create an object with following methods:

  • init, uninit

    async drive.init() => void
    async drive.uninit() => void

    Optional. These hooks will be called when sync.syncNow/sync.uninit. If the adapter uses a large dependency, it should be dynamically loaded in init.

    Note that .init is not called until the sync actually happens.

  • get

    async drive.get(path: String) => data: String

    Read the data from the drive.

    If the path doesn't exist, an error should be thrown and the code property should be a string "ENOENT" or a number 404.

  • put

    async drive.put(path: String, data: String) => void

    Write the data to the drive. The drive should create parent folders automatically.

    If the path already exists, it should overwrite the old file.

  • post

    async drive.post(path: String, data: String) => void

    Write the data to the drive. The drive should create parent folders automatically.

    If the path already exists, an error should be thrown and the code property should be a string "EEXIST".

  • delete

    async drive.delete(path: String) => void

    Delete a file. If the path doesn't exist, this function does nothing.

  • list

    async drive.list(path: String) => Array<filename: String>

    List all files in the folder. This is used on the first sync since we have to fetch all documents from the drive.

    Currently, only the docs folder will be requested.

    If the path doesn't exist, it can throw an ENOENT/404 error or return an empty array.

  • acquireLock, releaseLock

    async drive.acquireLock(expire: Number) => void
    async drive.releaseLock() => void

    Optional. The lock is acquired when a sync task starts, and is released after the sync task completes.

    If these methods are not implemented, the library uses a file-based lock lock.json storing in the drive, using post, delete, and get methods.

    expire defines the lifetime of the lock. If the sync task is interrupted and the lock is never released manually, the lock should be unlocked after expire minutes.

  • getMeta, putMeta

    async drive.getMeta() => Object
    async drive.putMeta(meta: Object) => void

    Optional. Save/store metadata in the server.

    If these methods are not implemented, the library stores the metadata as meta.json in the drive.

    If the metadata is not set yet i.e. the first sync, getMeta should return an empty object {}.

  • peekChanges

    async drive.peekChanges() => Boolean

    Optional. Check if the cloud has been changed.

    If this method is not implemented, the library getMeta() and check if the metadata is changed.

If your adapter uses an access token, make sure to throw a proper authentication error when authentication failed. The error object should have a code property and the value must be a number 401 (the HTTP status code of the auth error). You can use the db-to-cloud/lib/request module.


  • 0.7.0 (Dec 7, 2021)

    • Add: support webdav.
    • Add: retry on acquire lock error.
    • Add: LockError.
  • 0.6.0 (Feb 10, 2021)

    • Change: initialize cloud adapter in syncNow so adapter error will interrupt the sync process instead of crashing the entire app.
  • 0.5.0 (Sep 28, 2020)

    • Breaking: drop sync.start, sync.stop. Add sync.init, sync.uninit.
    • Change: onFirstSync will be called from sync.syncNow instead of sync.start. Which means onFirstSync error will interrupt the sync process correctly.
    • Change: add mute param to dropbox uploads.
  • 0.4.5 (Oct 17, 2019)

    • Fix: clear change cache and revision cache when stopped.
  • 0.4.4 (Oct 17, 2019)

    • Fix: local state is not cleared when stopped.
  • 0.4.3 (Oct 15, 2019)

    • Fix: cannot list all docs in onedrive.
  • 0.4.2 (Oct 12, 2019)

    • Add: sync.isInit.
  • 0.4.1 (Oct 9, 2019)

    • Fix: ignore start()/stop() if already started/stopped.
  • 0.4.0 (Oct 4, 2019)

    • Breaking: the signature of onProgress is changed. It now receives an event object.
  • 0.3.1 (Oct 3, 2019)

    • Add: onProgress hook.
  • 0.3.0 (Sep 30, 2019)

    • Breaking: the file structure stored in the drive is changed. Store revision tag along with the doc.
  • 0.2.0 (Sep 29, 2019)

    • Breaking: drop dropbox/github SDK.
    • Change: disable babel-regenerator. The browser build now includes generator functions.
  • 0.1.0 (Sep 24, 2019)

    • First release.

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  • eight04