
3.0.0 • Public • Published

DC-Common NPM Library

Steps To follow to integrate Dc-Common NPM Library:-

Dc-Common NPM Library URL:-


  1. Install the Library:-

Install the library into your application by the command

npm i dc-common

  1. Import " HeaderFooterModule" and "overlayService" to your app.module.ts

  2. import { NgModule } from'@angular/core';

  3. import { BrowserModule } from'@angular/platform-browser';

  4. import { AppComponent } from'./app';

  5. import { HeaderFooterModule } from '../../node_modules/dc-common/src/app/headerFooter.module';

  6. import { OverlayService } from '../../node_modules/dc-common/src/app/services/verlay.service';

  7. @NgModule({

  8. imports: [BrowserModule, HeaderFooterModule],

  9. declarations: [AppComponent],

  10. bootstrap: [AppComponent],

  11. providers: [OverlayService],

  12. })

  13. exportclassAppModule {}

  14. Now let's add the component definition to our template. Edit app/app.component.html as fallows

  15. <divclass="content-fluid">

  16. <DC-Sidebar-Tab></DC-Sidebar-Tab>

  17. <main#mainWrapperclass="main_wrap">

  18. \<DC-Header-Tab\>\</DC-Header-Tab\>
  19. \<divclass="container"\>
  20.   \<router-outlet\>
  21.     \<endpoint-watcher\>\</endpoint-watcher\>
  22.   \</router-outlet\>
  23. \</div\>
  24. \<DC-Footer-Tab\>\</DC-Footer-Tab\>
  25. </main>

  26. </div>

  27. Now let's add the overlayService in the components and add the path of overlayservice pointing to node_Module and pass the Track Name, Page Name, Tab Names(optional perameter) to overlayService by the method setOverlayImage.


import { Component, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, ViewChild,

HostListener, Input, ChangeDetectorRef , OnChanges} from'@angular/core';

//import OverlayService pointing the path to node_module

import { OverlayService } from'../../node_modules/header-footer/src/app/services/overlay.service';




styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']


exportclassAppComponentimplementsOnInit {


//to initiate the overlayService in the component add overlayService in the constructor

privateoverlayService: OverlayService,

) { }

ngOnInit() {

//pass the Track Name, Page Name, Tab Names(optional perameter) to overlayService by the method setOverlayImage

this.overlayService.setOverlayImg('Hardware', 'Home');



Parameters to be passed for DC-Header-Tab :-

Parameters Type:-

// Input Parameters from other applications

// UserId and UserName is to be passed in order to mitigate the getUserId calls

userData: any = {


userName:'Subba Reddy Nusum',


// piwikData has to be passed PiwikSite and piwikId are different for different tracts

piwikData: any = {




// Base Url should be passed to let library known in what environment the user is in

localHostMode: string = 'https://dc-stg1.cisco.com';

// End url has to passed by the Tracks who are using wrapper service if not default url will be used

getMenuListUrl: string = 'devscapp/dsc/getMenuList';

getHWPUserAccessUrl: string = 'devscapp/dsc/getHWPUserAccess';

notificationsUrl: string = 'devscapp/dsc/notifications1';

getSEEMAdminsUrl: string = 'getSEEMAdmins';

overlayUrl: string = 'devscapp/images/imagemap';

getTracksUrl: string = 'devscapp/sef/getReleaseRevisionTracks';

//Input parameters ends here

How to pass parameters in app.component.html for DC-Header-Tab Tag





Angular update 5-6

Angular CLI: 6.2.9 Node: 10.16.3

-- npm install @angular/cli@6.2.9 -- ng update @angular/cli (this command will automatically generate angular.json file and remove the angular-cli.json )
-- npx @angular/cli@6 update @angular/cli@6 @angular/core@6 while running the above command found Incompatible peer dependency in the @angular/material again run the below command --npx @angular/cli@6 update @angular/cli@6 @angular/core@6 so removed "@angular/material": "^8.2.3",Then All module update successfully -- npm i @angular/material -- npm i @angular/cdk@6.4.7 -- npm i rxjs-compat@6.6.7

-- npm audit fix Try to deleted the package-lock.json and delete the complete node module again I did the npm install

Angular update 6-7

Angular CLI: 7.3.10 Node: 10.16.3

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli npm cache verify npm cache clean npm cache clean --force npm install -g @angular/cli@ 7.3.10 ng version *removed the rxjs-compat

Not found : @cisco-ngx/cui-components "@cisco-ngx/cui-components": "git+https://gitlab-sjc.cisco.com/anthfern/cui-components.git", Removed the above package

Package "@angular/material" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/animations" (requires "^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0" (extended), would install "7.2.16"). Incompatible peer dependencies found. See above. "@angular/material": "~17.3.2", Removed the above package

Package "angular-highcharts" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/core" (requires "^5.0.0" (extended), would install "7.2.16"). Incompatible peer dependencies found. See above. "angular-highcharts": "^5.2.13", Removed the above package

  • npx @angular/cli@7 update @angular/cli@7 @angular/core@7

    • Now package is updated to 7 success fully
  • now add all the above package which are removed while doing the update and add those package into package.json and delete the package-lock.json and then do Npm install

-- npm run local through error so due to rxjs-compat So re install projcet running local fine




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npm i dc-common

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