Reverse ingeneering of deezer real-time websocket messaging api to get played tracks.
This allows to make a small lastfm-like self-hosted service.
You will need a USERID (Deezer userId) and TOKEN (From deezer api or from your browser cache):
const Deezer = require("deezer-playing-notifications");
const xmpp = new Deezer(USERID, TOKEN).initializeXMPP();
xmpp.on("track", (trackId) => console.log("Track ID:", trackId));
new Deezer()
requires a valid userId and token to connect.
method returns an xmpp client, you may listen to any events as you normally would.
It also introduces a new event: "track"
which sends the songId
on track change.
Deezer also exposes the following static method:
(async) which takes a songId and returns a deezer track
Available here:
- logToConsole: simply logs tracks to console
- updateStatus: updates discord status on track change
Contributions are welcomed, just consider this more as a POC rather than a real library, compatibility may break at any moment and I cannot garantee support.
Ideas of what could be added / updated:
- Basic configuration (eslint/prettier etc)
- Tests to ensure compatibility (jest preffered)
- Rewrite in typescript
- Support for other types of messages.
MIT @ nSimonFR