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1.0.5 • Public • Published


Astro Integration

defuss is a simple, tiny and modern web framework. It stops complexity, promotes explicit code, and brings back the joy of building for the web! 😊

💡 Can you imagine? The whole Astro Integration including it's custom defuss/render integration is written in only ~180 Lines of Code.

This package implements the Astro Integration that uses defuss-vite plugin and defuss/render to bring the defuss experience to Astro.

Integrating defuss in an existing Astro project

🚀 Looking for a template to start from? examples/with-astro-ts is an Astro project pre-configured to work with defuss out-of-the-box.

If you've arrived here to add defuss to your Astro project, you're just two steps away from success:

1. Install defuss-astro:

# install a decent package manager
npm i -g pnpm@^9.13.2

# from your project root folder, add defuss-astro to the devDependencies
npm install --save-dev defuss-astro

2. Integrate defuss-astro:

In astro.config.mjs or astro.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';

// import our Astro Integration
import defuss from 'defuss-astro';

export default defineConfig({

  // add the defuss integration
  integrations: [defuss()]

Note on Advanced Usage: defuss({ ... }) can be called with arguments to include and exclude files from the underlaying babel transpilation. Using the babel property, a specific babel configuration can be provided. Please find the DefussPluginOptions here.

🚀 How does defuss-astro work?

Inside this package, you'll find the following relevant folders and files:

├── scripts/finalize-build.ts
├── src/index.ts
├── src/types.ts
├── src/render.ts
├── src/client.ts
├── src/server.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── package.json

The src/index.ts file is the "entry point" for our Astro Integration. Its default exported function is called in any astro.config.(mjs|ts) of any integrating Astro project (see above).

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm build Build a new version of the integration.
npm publish Publish a new version of the defuss-astro integration package.

Come visit us on defuss island!

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npm i defuss-astro

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  • kyr0