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1.0.2 • Public • Published

Indreka Carousel Component

The carousel is a slideshow for cycling through a series of content, built with CSS 3D transforms and a bit of JavaScript. It works with a series of images, text, or custom markup. It also includes support for previous/next controls and indicators.

It consist of the following property

  1. interval :- interval property is a type of a number which accept a numeric value of the automatic interval of time periods. It accepts value in mili seconds. For eg: 2000 means for 2seconds. By default its value is set to be 8000 i.e. 8 seconds. You can change it by passing a value in component.

  2. autoplay :- autoplay property is a type of boolean which accept a boolean value either a true or false. It is used for the controlling the autoplay perform action of carousel i.e. carousel is automatially slide or not. By default it value set to be true. Note:- To set the autoplay property to be set as false use .autoplay = "false" or just .autoplay. and for set it true use autoplay = "true" or just autoplay

  3. showIndicator :- showIndicator property is a type of boolean which accept a boolean value either a true or false. It is used for show or hiding the indicator of the carousel. By deafault its value is set to be true.

  4. showController ;- showController property is a type of boolean which accept a boolean value either a true or false. It is used for show or hiding the arrow button controller of the carousel. By deafault its value is set to be true.

Example to use a carousel


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🔥Built using Lit!🔥

Use directly in HTML:

    <simple-carousel slideindex="0">


This carousel can be styled with CSS inheritance, custom properties, and shadow parts.

  1. Custom Properties Demo
  2. Shadow Parts Demo 1
  3. Shadow Parts Demo 2




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