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DocsOnFileDB (ExpressJS connector)

This is a simple extension to easily expose a DocsOnFileDB through Express as a RESTful API.



To install this module you may run:

npm install --save dfdb-express

How to use

This code example shows a simple express server and how to set express to expose certain DocsOnFileDB:

'use strict';

// What port should be use?
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

// Basic required libraries.
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const http = require('http');
const path = require('path');

// Creating an express library.
const app = express();

// Basic middlewares.
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

// Importing 'dfdb-express' middleware.
const expressConnector = require('dfdb-express').middleware;
// Telling express to handle database API accesses on the URI '/rest/mydb'.
// Of course 'dbname' and 'dbpath' are the basic parameters required by
// 'DocsOnFileDB' to access certain database, in this case, the one that's going
// to be exposed.
// Also, in this configuraion the collection 'my_private_collection' won't be
// exposed.
    dbname: 'mydb',
    dbpath: path.join(__dirname, 'db-dir'),
    restPath: '/rest/mydb',

// Capturing unkwnon route requests.
app.all('*', (req, res) => {
        message: `Path '${req.url}' was not found.`

// Starting server.
http.createServer(app).listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`listening on port ${port}`);


These are endpoints provided by this connector:

  • [GET] /rest/mydb/$info Provides information about current database connection and it's assets.
  • [POST] /rest/mydb/$initializer Replaces a database initialization spec.
  • [POST] /rest/mydb/$reinitialize Triggers a check-up of a database initialization spec.
  • [POST] /rest/mydb/:collection/$createIndex?field=:name Creates a field index for a collection and indexes it.
  • [GET] /rest/mydb/:collection/$create Triggers the creation of certain collection.
  • [DELETE] /rest/mydb/:collection/$dropIndex?field=:name Drops a field index from a collection.
  • [DELETE] /rest/mydb/:collection/$drop
  • [GET] /rest/mydb/:collection/$indexes
  • [GET] /rest/mydb/:collection/$schema Retrieves a collection's schema definition.
  • [PUT] /rest/mydb/:collection/$schema Updates a collection's schema specification.
  • [POST] /rest/mydb/:collection/$truncate Remove all documents from a collection. It doesn't reset indexes.
  • [DELETE] /rest/mydb/:collection/:id
  • [GET] /rest/mydb/:collection/:id
  • [PUT] /rest/mydb/:collection/:id
  • [GET] /rest/mydb/:collection Retrieves all the information inside certain collection.
  • [POST] /rest/mydb/:collection

Basic server

If you don't want to go through all the step of creating a server but you still want to see your database in a web interfase, you may run something like this (assuming your database is at /path/to/mydb.dfdb):

dfdb-server --database /path/to/mydb

This will load this two urls:

  • http://localhost:3005/rest: RESTful access to your database.
  • http://localhost:3005/ui: Web-UI access to your database.


MIT © 2018 Alejandro Dario Simi

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