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To receive future enhancements, please switch to @sedeh/differentiate (current version 3.0.0)

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2.4.0 • Public • Published

Welcome to Differentiate Objects!

Have you ever needed to compare two JSON objects and make a determination on what is changed deep in the object hierarchy and be able to clearly see what is changed on either objects on the fly while they change? Have you ever wished for ability to merge the two JSON objects as well? Have you looked for something that is visually appealing as well? Would you like to know how it can be done? Would you like to have it done without writing code for it? Take a look at the demo and enjoy the ride.

Differentiate is an Angular based code and will interpret changes deep in JSON hierarchy through visual representation of changes on both sides. "+" / "-" characters on left-hand side as well as diverging line curves over a node of an object view represent adding/removing of an attribute or a node. "~" characters on left-hand side of a node represent change of value between two name/value pairs.

NOTE: Version 1.5.0 is the latest version compatible with Angular 2+, 4+, or 5+.

NOTE: Version 2.0.0 is the first version compatible with Angular 6+. I tried my demo project with 6+ version of this library while project is still Angular 5 based without facing any issues.

NOTE: Starting with version 2.4.0 you need to import this library through @sedeh/diffrenciate. Future bug fixes / enhancements will be on sedeh scope.

I appreciate comments and requests. please go to provided link and make your comments.

Live Demo | Source code | Comments/Requests


Attribute status Description
leftSideObject Required JSON Object on left-hand side to be differentiated. Default is undefined.
rightSideObject Required JSON Object on right-hand side to be differentiated. Default is undefined.
namedRootObject Optional Comma separated list of object string attributes to identify each root object when displaying differences between left and right hand sides.
allowRevert Optional Will allow user to revert any one of the changed attributes/values found on right hand-side to be same as left hand-side. Default is false.
allowAdvance Optional Will allow user to advance any one of the changed attributes/values found on left hand-side to be same as right hand-side. Default is false.
leftSideToolTip Optional Tool-tip to be displayed on hover of advance action links. Default is "take left side".
rightSideToolTip Optional Tool-tip to be displayed on hover of revert action links. Default is "take left side".
onlyShowDifferences Optional If set, will ignore all attributes in JSON hierarchy which are not changed. Default is false.
attributeOrderIsImportant Optional If set, will consider change of order as a difference. If not set, will sort all JSON attributes in its object hierarchy. Default is true.


Event Description
onrevert Will be fired when any one of changed items on left hand-side should replace or push to the right hand-side item. The event has {index,node} structure. Index is the position of node in the input list. The node is copy of JSON object after being modified to accommodate the request. If input is not a list and a JSON object, index will be zero and you can disregard it.
onadvance Will be fired when any one of changed items on right hand-side should replace or push to the left hand-side item. The event has {index,node} structure. Index is the position of node in the input list. The node is copy of JSON object after being modified to accommodate the request. If input is not a list and a JSON object, index will be zero and you can disregard it.
ondifference Will fire the total difference count after sides are compared. If there is no difference, count will be zero.



Run npm install @sedeh/differentiate in your application. and do the following:

in your html:

     [leftSideToolTip]="'pull from ' + selectedLeft + ' file'"
     [rightSideToolTip]="'pull from ' + selectedRight + ' file'"

Initiate / create both leftJSONtree and rightJSONtree in your component. If at any time one of the objects updated, Differentiate re-evaluate and displayed the difference immediately.

To handle onrevert or onadvance events, you need to do something like this

    revert(event) {
        this.myLocalCopyOfJsonOnRightside[event.index] = event.node;

Include the DifferentiateModule module in your App module.

    import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { DifferentiateModule } from 'differentiate';
    import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
      declarations: [
      imports: [
      providers: [
      bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule { }

It is that simple..!!

Version History

Version Description
2.4.0 Re-organizing libraries I am providing. Added scope to the project. From now on Accessing through @sedeh/differentiate.
2.3.6 noticed if I set a value to false, then the value is not displayed on diff view. Fixed it. Enjoy.
2.3.5 For the test JSON objects, I was using undefined on one of the nodes in sampler 3 which was causing exception to be thrown in comparison code. updated a code to anticipate undefined nodes/attributes.
2.3.3 Added visual controls on demo app to show how you can enable/disable left/right side merger controls.
2.3.2 Better looking merger buttons on left/right side of JSON objects.
2.3.1 Fixed issue #2. Modified code to avoid upper-case call on blank string.
2.3.0 It was brought to my attention that some users have trouble using this component in their angular 6 environment. Since I had only updated few dependencies when moved to Angular 6, I am thinking dependencies are causing issues. So, for this release, I am updating all dependencies to what Angular 6 applications are expecting to have. Please let me know if this is fixing or not fixing any issues you are facing.
2.2.6 Fixed the issue #1 on hover lag for very large objects.
2.2.4 Fixed the diff counter ondifference event.
2.2.3 This release is mostly for fixing merge issue arised because of changing perspective that input could be a list as opposed to a JSON Object. As a result when you are merging differences, you will need to know the index of merged JSON in the list. Therefore, I had to changed the event is issued. I apologize in advance for inconveniences. Sorry folks, but you will need to modify code if you are listening to the onadvance and onrevert events.
2.2.2 Added counter on each object identifier and fixed few exceptions that were raised while merging differences.
2.2.0 Added namedRootObject attribute to allow for visual separation of differences when left and right entries are lists.
2.1.4 Modified code to fire ondifference event also when a merge operation occurs. As a result, you will be able to update whatever message or action link you may display based on count of differences. Also, added two more attributes to allow you feed a better tool-tip message over the icons for onadvance and onrevert action links.
2.1.3 Added ondifference event. I realized there is a need to display messages or hide action buttons if there are differences between two JSON objects. As a result, immediately after a comparison performed, this event is fired.
2.2.0 Better looking merger buttons on left/right side of JSON objects.
2.1.1 Fixed minor issues. You definitely need to upgrade to this version. Also, I found something that I want to report. I was under impression that Angular 6 is not compatible with 2,4,5. However, for the demo, I upgraded the differentiate demo on and kept angular 5 library. It is still working fine. so, just in case, if you decide to use the latest version of this library with your Angular 5 project, try it out. and see if it works for you.
2.1.0 Made the spinner delay a bit more extended to create a feeling that something is being done and I think it makes it look performing. Also added ability to fully merge left and right sides interchangeably by adding a onadvance event. I wanted to change the onrevert action to something more appropriate but I decided to keep it just in case someone is already using the action already. I suggest you update your references when the events are fired and then provide a submit button to save the JSON objects in one shot when user is ready. Keep in mind, if you set the flag to only see the differences, the json sent to you in onadvance or onrevert is the subset items. As a result you would need to infuse the items sent to you in your local copy.
2.0.1 To create impression of performance when comparing large size JSON objects, made the process non-blocking and added a wait spinner.
2.0.0 Updated dependencies (no code change) to work with Angular 6 which will not fit within Angular 5, 4, or 2 because of a change made by angular folks. If your project is not an Angular 6+ project, please update your package.json file and remove "^" to make sure you are not accidentally upgrading to 2.0.0 and above versions of differentiate.
1.5.0 Added ability to revert any changed attribute/value of JSON on right hand-side to become same as attribute/value on left hand-side. In addition this version will be the last version workable in Angular 2, 4, or 5. In next release, I will update dependencies to work with Angular 6 which will not fit within Angular 5, 4, or 2 because of a change made by angular folks which will cause issues between Angular 5 and 6.
1.1.0 Fixed internal logic issue to handle complicated data structures. Added attributes to have a better control over the resulting display.
1.0.0 Compiled with AOT option and resolved issues.
0.0.6 Initial version.

Sample view of the component at work! (You can create drop-downs and JSON log views to manipulate the differentiate component...) alt text

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  • msalehisedeh