
1.0.2 • Public • Published

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Directus Extension for SurveyJS

A Directus Module extension that integrates the SurveyJS Creator into Directus.

Table of Contents


This extension allows you to create and manage surveys using the SurveyJS Creator directly within Directus. It provides a seamless interface for building, updating, and storing survey configurations.



Basic Setup

After installation, the first time you will open the module page, you will be prompted with a form to finish the basic configuration. The first field allows you to give the name to the collection that will be used to store all your form configurations. Default is form_configs

If you don't already have the languages collection made by directus, make sure to create one.

  • code (String): Text.
  • name (String): Text.
  • direction (String): Text.
    See video for more details :

Clicking the Finish setup button will create the basic necessary collections for the creator to work. Collections created :

  • form_configs
  • module_extension_survey_settings


  • form_configs: READ
  • module_extension_survey_settings: READ
  • [form_submission_collection]: CREATE


The translations available in the creator are based on the languages you have setup in your directus instance

Module translations strings to add to your directus instance :

  • $t:extension_survey_form_creator : Title used in the page navigation of the module "Form Creator"
  • $t:extension_survey_no_forms : Message displayed when no forms are found, should be something like "No forms available"
  • $t:extension_survey_module_name : Name of the module, should be something like "Forms"

Handle default form creator form language: Add a field M2O inside the module_extension_survey_settings collection named default_form_language. From there, choose in the settings your default language.


The settings provide the default SurveyJS options available to the creator listed here In addition, there is the licence_key option that allows you to put your license for SurveyJS. You can also add manually a field with the key default_form_language M2O to languages collection to handle the default form language


Activate the module by navigating to: Settings -> Settings -> Modules and enabling the Survey module.

Using the Builder

Creating / updating and saving a form

  1. Create Form Configuration: Create a form_configs content object and assign it a friendly_id.
  2. Access Surveys Tab: Navigate to the Surveys Tab on the far left sidebar of Directus. All form_configs content objects will be listed with their friendly_id as the title.
  3. Open the Builder: Click on a form configuration to access its builder.
  4. Build Your Form: Use the builder to create your form. Remember to save your work!
  5. Verify Schema: After saving, go back to your Directus content and find the modified form_config. The schema should be updated with the new schema generated from the builder.

How translations work

  • Builder interface language : The interface language of the builder is based on the language selected by the user inside his directus settings.
  • How to translate a form :
    1. The available languages provided to translate the form are based on the instances of your languages directus collection. So if you only have one language, your forms won't be translatable.
    2. Having 2 languages setup, all translations are handled inside the Translations tab of the builder. There you can add languages you wish to translate your forms in the left sidebar. For each language added, a new column will be added to translate every string your form could contain.

API Endpoints

The extension provides several API endpoints for interacting with surveys. To access each route, you need to use the domain where your directus instance is hosted followed by /survey-api followed by the route.
Example: https://directus-domain-example/survey-api/form-config-create

Create Form Entry

  • Endpoint: POST /form-submission/:formConfigId
  • Description: Creates a form entry from a form submission.
  • URL Parameters:
    • formConfigId: The ID of the form_configs object.
  • Request Requirements:
    • Body: The data from the form.
    • Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

Update Form Configuration

  • Endpoint: PATCH /form-config-update/:formConfigId
  • Description: Used internally by the extension to update a form_config when saved inside the builder.

Create Form Configuration

  • Endpoint: POST /form-config-create
  • Description: Used internally to potentially add a create form button inside the listing of the module.

Handling Form Submissions

To handle form submissions, you need to create a collection that will be used as a type of submission. Each form configuration accepts one type of form submission by passing it the name of the collection created in the field form_submission_collection. When submitting a form with this config, an entry will be created in that collection.

Example : If your form submission collection is called registrations, your field should contain the exact name registrations in your form_config's form_submission_collection field

Create your form submission collection

This collection can take the name you wish. Add the fields you wish to collect data from the form. Examples :

  • form_data -> Code (JSON): all data from the form
  • last_name -> Text : a field that would have the a last name as an input

You can use the Field Map in the form config to map fields created from SurveyJS to a field inside you form submission collection. If you use the same function to map your fields as the one used in the code example showed below, your mapping should look like the example below.


Data received from SurveyJS :

   firstName: "John",
   lastName: "Doe"

Field names in form submission collection:

   first_name: Text,
   last_name: Text

Your field map should look like

   "first_name": "firstName",
   "last_name": "lastName"

Example code for submission in React

import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { Model } from 'survey-core'
import { Survey } from 'survey-react-ui'
import 'survey-core/defaultV2.min.css'
import 'survey-core/survey.i18n'

interface TDirectusSurveyProps {
  formConfigId: string
  schema: JsonObject
  locale?: string
  versionDate?: string
  fieldMap?: JsonObject
  additionalData?: JsonObject

type JsonValue = string | number | boolean | null | JsonObject | JsonArray
interface JsonObject {
  [key: string]: JsonValue

type JsonArray = Array<JsonValue>

const DirectusSurvey = (props: TDirectusSurveyProps) => {
  const { locale = 'default', schema, formConfigId, fieldMap, additionalData, versionDate } = props

  const survey = new Model(schema)
  survey.locale = locale

  // Survey onComplete handler
  const saveSurveyResults = (url: string, json: JSONObject) => {
    const entriesFieldMap = Object.entries(fieldMap ?? {})

    const mappedFields = entriesFieldMap
      .map(([key, value]: string[]) => {
        if (json?.[value]) {
          return [key, json?.[value]]
        return null
      .filter((el) => el !== null)

    const body = {
      default_fields: {
        form_data: {
        form_config: formConfigId,
        form_language: locale,
        form_config_version_date: versionDate,

    fetch(url, {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
      body: JSON.stringify(body),
      .then((response) => {
        if (response.ok) {
          // Handle success
        } else {
          // Handle error
      .catch((error) => {
        // Handle error

  const handleComplete = useCallback((form: Model) => {
    saveSurveyResults(`{{ your domain here }}/survey-api/form-submission/${formConfigId}`,
  }, [])


  return <Survey model={survey} />

export default DirectusSurvey


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to contribute or suggest improvements!

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