
1.0.0 • Public • Published


A browser based application to manage a martial arts tournament. In its early state, it can handle a playlist of opponents and displays the scoring by a scoreboard.

Features / Structure / Interface

  • AMD-, CommonJS and global-support


    $ npm install direzione
    $ npx direzione-fit

How to use

It is important to execute all installation steps mentioned above, before direzione is ready to use. Open file scoreboard_gui.html in a browser window and file remote_scorboard.html in another browser window. You can also open all_in_one_demo.html instead. This file uses frames to load the other two documents in one browser window, so you can see what happens at a glance.

Note: Because this project is developed in a chromium based browser, it will work there for best.

Control keys in scoreboard gui

Key Funtion
Return/Spacebar start/pause/resume countdown
"Q" Add eight points to score of white opponent (Ippon to white side)
"W" Add four points to score of white opponent (Wazari to white side)
"E" Add a penalty point to white opponent (Shido to white side)
"A" Subtract eight points to score of white opponent (Remove Ippon from white side)
"S" Subtract four points to score of white opponent (Remove Wazari from white side)
"D" Subtract a penalty point to white opponent (Remove Shido from white side)
"I" Add eight points to score of red opponent (Ippon to red side)
"O" Add four points to score of red opponent (Wazari to red side)
"P" Add a penalty point to red opponent (Shido to red side)
"K" Subtract eight points to score of red opponent (Remove Ippon from red side)
"L" Subtract four points to score of red opponent (Remove Wazari from red side)
";" or "Ö" Subtract a penalty point to red opponent (Remove Shido from red side)
Arrow keys (left/right) During countdown runs, starts counting up to measure the time how long one opponent holds the other in a grip
Arrow up Stops counting up for time measure fin a grip

Customize audio that signals time up

Add new sound file to the directory sounds and add a new entry in file file_list.js (also located in directory sounds)

Connection Technique

The connection beetween scoreboard_gui.html and remote_scorboard.html will be handled trough WebRTC. Therefore you need a configured network (NAT) to be able getting ICE candidates. The simplest way to get a working NAT, out of the box, is to connect your machine to a router. Otherwise you have to dive deep in the technique to enable fetching ICE candidates used for establishing the connection.

As default the signaling is realized by a broker using the local storage. So you can connect between two windows in the same browser without the need of internet connectivity.

But if you want to connect between two machines in your LAN or simply between two different browsers, you have to replace the fight emitter and receiver types in the code (i. e. Direzione.FightEmitterLocal to ``Direzione.FightEmitter`). In that case, you need internet connectivity - for now!

At the end the connecting will be triggered by clicking the red button in the right upper corner of the scoreboard GUI. If the connection become established, the background color of the button changes to green.


The ability to connect between scoreboards depends on a configured network. As simplest solution connect your machine to a router.

If you use a chromium based browser and the connection between the scoreboards will not get established (even if your computers network is configured), then move to "chrome://flags" and disable Option "Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC" - try again afterwards! After the connection between scoreboards was established once, you can switch the Option back.

When the connection can still not be established, refresh the browser window of the remote scoreboard first and refresh the browser window for the GUI of the scoreboard afterwards - try again to connect.



Copyright (C) 2023 Daniel Moritz

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, according to version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.



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