Embed pages using the discord buttons.
This package allows you to have multiple pages of embeds, and to be able to cycle through them using auto-generated buttons.
To install the package, use the following command in the console/terminal/shell.
npm i discord-embeds-pages-buttons
Here is some example code for using the package:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const disbut = require("discord-buttons");
const disbutpages = require("discord-embeds-pages-buttons")
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.on("ready", ()=>{
console.log("I am ready")
client.on("message", async message=>{
if(message.author.bot || message.channel.type == "dm")return;
if(message.content == "test"){
const embed1 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
const embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
const embed3 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
var pages = [embed1, embed2, embed3]
disbutpages.pages(message, pages, {
timeout: 60*1000,
buttons: {
delete: {
style: "red",
emoji: "❌",
text: "Delete"
forward: {
style: "green",
emoji: "⏩",
text: "Forward"
backward: {
style: "green",
emoji: "⏪",
text: "Backward"
extraRows: [],
extraPos: "below",
message: "",
ephemeral: "You do not own this embed!"
There is one function in this package.
disbutpages.pages(message, pages, settings)
Message: This is the message that the person sent.
Pages: This is an array of Discord.MessageEmbed()
Settings: This is a JSON of settings.
timeout: The number of milliseconds before the bot stops responding to the embed. [Required, Default Value: 60*10000]
buttons: A JSON of button data. See the above example for all settings regarding buttons. [Required, Default Values can be seen in the example above.]
extraRows: An array of MessageActionRow that will be displayed with the buttons, their position depending on the following setting. Useful for having a bot invite button in a help embed. (Set to false to disable) [Optional, Default Value: []]
extraPos: A string to determine where the extra rows should be added. Valid values: "above", "below". [Optional, Default Value: "below"]
message: A string that will be sent above the embed. (Set to false to disable). [Optional, Default Value: ""]
ephemeral: A string that will be privately sent to the user in the text channel. (Set to false to disable). [Optional, Default Value: "You do not own this embed!"]
Join the discord for support and for other packages/discord bots: