A lightweight, updated and easy to use package with utility functions that you may need when developing a discord bot or javascript programs.
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You can easily get it from NPM.
npm install discord-utilities
Reffering to Utils
as const Utils = require("discord-utilities");
Function Name | Call | Description | Output |
shuffleArray | Utils.shuffleArray(array) | Shuffles elements of a given array. | Array |
randomItem | Utils.randomItem(array) | Selects a random item of a given array. | ArrayItem |
isArray | Utils.isArray(parameter) | Returns if the given parameter is an array. | Boolean |
randomHex | Utils.randomHex() | Returns a vaid and random hexadecimal color code. | String |
randomNumber | Utils.randomNumber(minimum, maximum) | Returns a random number from inside minimum and maximum range. (Interval [minimum, maximum]) | Integer |
randomString | Utils.randomString(length) | Returns a random combination of letters and numbers of a specified length. | String |
roundFloat | Utils.roundFloat(float, decimals) | Default amount of decimals is 1. It keeps/adds decimals until the desired amont of decimals is hit. | Float |
includesNumber | Utils.includesNumber(string) | Returns true if the string contains any numbers inside it. | Boolean |
isNumber | Utils.isNumber(parameter) | Returns true if the given parameter is a finited number. | Boolean |
fetchTime | Utils.fetchTime(ms, object) | It fetches the amount of ms to human readable time, If object function is set to true, it will output an object with the values, otherwise it will output a formated string, false by default. | String or Object |
toProperCase | Utils.toProperCase(string) | It sets the first letter of every word inside the string to upper case. | String |
isObject | Utils.isObject(parameter) | It returns true if given parameter is a JSON object. | Boolean |
wait | Utils.wait(ms) | Creates a promise that gets resolved after amount of miliseconds given. Can be used to pause script execution in an async scope by invoking the function with await keyword. | Promise - Undefined |
awaitReply | Utils.awaitReply(message, id, question, limit) | Creates a message collector in the channel where message was sent that waits for the first message sent by discord user whos id is equal to id, before starting colector the question is sent in the message's channel. If times out, it returns false otherwise it returns the message collected. | Promise - False or Discord Message |