This is a powerful module that allows you to generates randomly memes, to start this porcess you have to type in your shell:
npm i discord.js-memes
Then you have to put in your command a constant called meme and require this npm like this:
const meme = require("discord.js-memes")
To finish if you want to generate a random meme just type this in your commmand:
const Discord = require("discord.js")
const {eMeme, sMeme, all} = require("discord.js-memes")
const all = new sMeme()
//generates a random meme in spanish
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setFooter({text: "Powered by discord.js-memes"})
message.channel.send({embeds: [embed]})
There are more types of memes:
const total = new sMeme()
.setType(1) //for all the memes only in spanish
const famousmemes = new sMeme()
.setType(2) //for famous people memes in spanish
const cinemamemes = new sMeme()
.setType(3) //for cinema memes in spanish
const english = new eMeme()
.setType(1) //for all the english memes
const efamous = new eMeme()
.setType(2) //for only memes about famous people in english
const allmemes = all() //for all the memes of this module in spanish or in english
//Coming soon more types of memes and new types of memes in english
If you want to report an issue or a bug you can go to this GitHub link and report it you can clik here to report it and I will fixed as fast as I can