
1.4.2 • Public • Published

Easy-to-use JS cropper based on dnm-croppr (fork of Croppr.js) with smartcrop features of smartcrop.js.

dnm-smartcroppr is compatible with all options and methods of dnm-croppr.

dnm-croppr docs →


Via NPM:

npm install dnm-smartcroppr -—save
// ES6 import - JS + CSS
import SmartCroppr from 'dnm-smartcroppr';

Via script tag:

<link href="path/to/dnm-smartcroppr.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="path/to/dnm-smartcroppr.min.js"></script>

Basic Usage

In your HTML document:

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" id="croppr"/>

In your JavaScript file:

var cropInstance = new SmartCroppr('#croppr', {
  // ...options
  returnMode: "real",
  responsive: true,
  aspectRatio: 1,
  preview: "#cropPreview",
  smartcrop: true,
  smartOptions: {
      minWidth: 500,
      //minHeight will automatically be set to 500 because aspectRatio is 1
      minHeight: 500,
      onSmartCropDone: data => { 
  onInitialize: (instance, mediaNode) => { console.log(instance, mediaNode) },
  onCropEnd: data => { console.log(data) },
  onCropStart: (data) => { console.log(data) },
  onCropMove: data => { console.log(data) }


All options in dnm-croppr docs #Options → are compatible with dnm-smartcroppr.

dnm-smartcroppr is optimized to work with ratios. Set aspectRatio, and optionally maxAspectRatio to find the best crop region for smartcrop.js.

There is only these additional options for now :


If false, smartcrop is deactivated. Default value is true.


Array custom options for smartcrop. Default value is null. In this case, dnm-smartcroppr is able to define these different options with basic options of dnm-croppr.

This is the different entries of smartOptions (all optionnal) :


Minimum width for smartcrop. Crop width will not be inferior to this value. Default is null.


Minimum height for smartcrop. Crop height will not be inferior to this value. Default is null.


Minimum scale for smartcrop. Default is null.

Note: If minScale is defined, minWidth and minHeight are ignored. If minScale is null, minWidth and / or minHeight will define minScale relatively to source image dimensions.

If minWidth is defined but minHeight is null, minHeight will be calculated with aspectRatio.


When minScale is calculated with minWidth and minHeight, it can be very small. To avoid to crop big images too much, you can use minScaleTreshold, and minScale will be >= to minScaleTreshold. Default is 0.5.

aspectRatio and maxAspectRatio

If you don't want to constrain aspectRatio and / or maxAspectRatio of dnp-croppr, you can add ratios in smartOptions, to automatically width and height of the smart crop. Default are null.


A callback function that is called when smartcrop is done. Default value is null.

onSmartCropDone: function(data) {
  console.log(data.x, data.y, data.width, data.height);


All methods in dnm-croppr docs #Methods → are compatible with dnm-smartcroppr.

setBestCrop(smartOptions: Array, crop?: boolean)

Modify smartcrop. smartOptions has the same structure as in the Options doc. If crop is false, setBestCrop() will only calculate the best crop without cropping the image.

var smartOptions = {
  aspectRatio: 1,
  maxAspectRatio: 2,
  minScale: 0.5,
  onSmartCropDone: data => {
    console.log(data.x, data.y, data.width, data.height);

cropInstance.setBestCrop(smartOptions, true);

Note: You can access the smart cropping informations with cropperInstance.smartCropData.

setImage(src: string, callback?: function, smartcrop?: boolean, smartOptions?: Array)

Changes the image src. Returns the Croppr instance and media node. If smartcrop is set to false, crop region will not be recalculated. Default value is true.

setVideo(src: string, callback?: function, smartcrop?: boolean, smartOptions?: Array)

Changes the video src. Returns the Croppr instance and media node. If smartcrop is set to false, crop region will not be recalculated. Default value is true.

setMedia(src: string, callback?: function, smartcrop?: boolean, smartOptions?: Array, mediaType?: string)

Changes the image or video src (depending on mediaType value). Returns the Croppr instance and media node. If smartcrop is set to false, crop region will not be recalculated. Default value is true.

Thanks to original author of Croppr.js (James Ooi) and smartcrop.js (Jonas Wagner). Released under the MIT License.

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