A CLI for simplifying how to dockerize NodeJS based applications 🐳
DISCLAIMER: This package is still in development and therefore it is not recommended to use it in production dockerify CLI aims to provide an easy way to configure and distribute NodeJS based applications using Docker. The idea behind this CLI comes from docker-react-app-multi-stage-node-nginx and the need to make the configuration process easier as well as to provide cross-platform support.
Considering this is an executable package you don't really need to install it, instead you can use:
$ npx dockerify-cli <command>
NOTES: You need npm v5.2 or greater. This is not working on Windows when using powershell
There are two ways to install dockerify-cli: globally and locally.
$ npm install -g dockerify-cli
$ yarn global add dockerify-cli
$ npm install dockerify-cli --save
$ yarn add dockerify-cli
Getting Started
Using npx:
$ npx dockerify-cli init
Using installed package:
$ dockerify-cli init
NOTES: You have to use dockerify-cli.cmd
on Windows when using powershell
I'm still looking for a way to avoid using .cmd extension, if you have the solution please send a PR
You will answer many questions when running the init
command so dockerify-cli can provide the best fitting configuration for your project. However, considering that this may be opinionated based, dockerify-cli will expose the configuration files in order to you to be able to modify them.
For example:
├── public/ ├── node_modules/+ ├── server/+ │ ├── nginx.conf ├── src/+ ├── .dockerignore ├── .gitignore+ ├── Dockerfile └── package.json
Please note that you can decide whether to use nginx or an express server when answering the init
command questions.