This package serves as complement to the java library called doubleagentvalidator.
This is a javascript library which allow to reuse the same json schemas used in the backend rest application to validates the data at the frontend.
This libs depends on:
How to use:
1. Install the package in your application:
Recommended: Use yarn to install this package. This package manager will create
file, to avoid broken packages caused bynpm
inconsistent versions.
# Install yarn package manager npm i -g yarn # Use yarn to install double-agent yarn install double-agent-validator
If you get the error PhantomJS not found on PATH
, just do that:
TMP_DIR=/tmp yarn install
Or use
to install this package
npm i --save double-agent-validator
2. In your AppModule initialization inject a factory to get the validation script from the backend and fill-in the DoubleAgentValdiator service with the schemas, keywords and formats.
Great!!! You just did it, now the following services are available on your Angular 2 App:
This class allow you to validate some data in a service layer using its validate
method, which checks some data
againts an specific schema you pass to the service.
Your service will be something like the example bellow:
This class can be used to build FormGroup containing the controls representing each property in the schema including the respective validators.
If you want create formGroup without validators because your application will handle the validation process itself, you can do this:
Provide the service to allow error messages mapping
Website to share the library api documentation