DragonNode.js Webserver
Bundle with services to develop applications with express, bower and swig
- Provide the versions of the bower installed libraries in the views
- Provide the language data with the determined language in the views
- Provide the information of the package.json in the views
- Swig express integration to bind ".twig" views to the swig renderer
- Add bundle to the "package.json":
"dependencies": "dragonnodejs-webserver": "^9.1.1"
- Run "npm install"
- Extend the configuration in "app.js":
var config = modules: npm: bower: libraries: path: __dirname + '/' language: default: 'en' languages: 'de' 'en' path: __dirname + '/languages/' package: path: __dirname + '/package.json' swig: views: __dirname + '/views/' ;
Reserved Swig variables
- "bower" with the versions of the bower installed libraries, for example to include jQuery per dynamic CDN URL:
- "language" with the language strings if the language service is used in the current request
{{ language.example }}
- "package" with the name and the version of the application from the "/package.json", for example:
{{ package.name }} {{ package.version }}