RTPI JavaScript Client
This module provides informations from the Dublin Bus REST API.
It's possible to get informations about:
- Realtime information by stop number/stop id;
- Filtered realtime information by route number/route id;
- All Bus stops;
- Filtered bus stops by address;
- All Routes;
- Filtered route list by route name/route id
You have to install the module before you can use it:
npm install --save dublinbus-client
If you want, you can run the tests (Mocha):
npm test
How to use it:
const dublinBusClient = ; // Realtime information by stop number/stop iddublinBusClientrealtimeBusInformation ; /*{ "errorcode": "0", "errormessage": "", "numberofresults": 25, "stopid": "515", "timestamp": "16/05/2018 19:32:34", "results": [ { "arrivaldatetime": "16/05/2018 19:37:22", "duetime": "4", "departuredatetime": "16/05/2018 19:37:22", "departureduetime": "4", "scheduledarrivaldatetime": "16/05/2018 19:38:00", "scheduleddeparturedatetime": "16/05/2018 19:38:00", "destination": "Beaumont", "destinationlocalized": "Beaumont", "origin": "Dundrum", "originlocalized": "Dundrum", "direction": "Inbound", "operator": "bac", "additionalinformation": "", "lowfloorstatus": "no", "route": "14", "sourcetimestamp": "16/05/2018 19:31:44", "monitored": "true" }, { "arrivaldatetime": "16/05/2018 19:37:30", "duetime": "4", ....*/ // Filtered realtime information by route number/route idlet stopNumber = 2;let routeNumber = 38dublinBusClientrealtimeBusInformation ; /*{ "errorcode": "0", "errormessage": "", "numberofresults": 1, "stopid": "2", "timestamp": "16/05/2018 23:44:28", "results": [ { "arrivaldatetime": "17/05/2018 00:02:07", "duetime": "17", "departuredatetime": "17/05/2018 00:02:07", "departureduetime": "17", "scheduledarrivaldatetime": "16/05/2018 23:32:00", "scheduleddeparturedatetime": "16/05/2018 23:32:00", "destination": "Damastown", "destinationlocalized": "Baile Dama", "origin": "Burlington Road", "originlocalized": "Burlington Road", "direction": "Outbound", "operator": "bac", "additionalinformation": "", "lowfloorstatus": "no", "route": "38", "sourcetimestamp": "16/05/2018 23:27:09", "monitored": "true" } ]}*/ // All bus stopsdublinBusClientbusStop ; /*{ errorcode: '0', errormessage: '', numberofresults: 4683, timestamp: '17/05/2018 02:35:58', results: [ { stopid: '2', displaystopid: '2', shortname: 'Parnell Square', shortnamelocalized: 'Cearnóg Parnell', fullname: 'Parnell Square', fullnamelocalized: '', latitude: '53.35224111', longitude: '-6.263695', lastupdated: '08/05/2018 09:12:08', operators: [Array] }, {...}]}*/ // Filtered bus stops by addressdublinBusClientbusStop ; /*{ errorcode: '0', errormessage: '', numberofresults: 13, timestamp: '17/05/2018 02:38:00', results: [ { stopid: '2', displaystopid: '2', shortname: 'Parnell Square', shortnamelocalized: 'Cearnóg Parnell', fullname: 'Parnell Square', fullnamelocalized: '', latitude: '53.35224111', longitude: '-6.263695', lastupdated: '08/05/2018 09:12:08', operators: [Array] }, { stopid: '3', displaystopid: '3', shortname: 'Parnell Square', shortnamelocalized: 'Cearnóg Parnell', fullname: 'Parnell Square', fullnamelocalized: '', latitude: '53.35230694', longitude: '-6.263783056', lastupdated: '08/05/2018 09:12:08', operators: [Array] }, {...}]}*/ // All RoutesdublinBusClientrouteList ; /*{ errorcode: '0', errormessage: '', numberofresults: 239, timestamp: '17/05/2018 02:32:58', results: [ { route: '1' }, { route: '102' }, { route: '104' }, { route: '11' }, { route: '111' }, { route: '114' }, { route: '116' }, { route: '118' }, { route: '120' }, { route: '122' }, { route: '123' }, { route: '13' }, { route: '130' }, { route: '14' }, { route: '140' }, { route: '142' }, { route: '145' }, { route: '14C' }, ...]}*/ // Filtered route list by route name/route idlet routeid = '66'; //66XdublinBusClientrouteList ; /* Output:{ errorcode: '0', errormessage: '', numberofresults: 239, timestamp: '17/05/2018 02:28:40', results: [ { route: '66' }, { route: '66A' }, { route: '66B' }, { route: '66X' }, { route: '66' }, { route: '66A' } ] }*/