DYEditor is custom made to use CKEditor5 in React.
By using this, you can use CKEditor5 more conveniently.
CKEditor5 is a really good library. However, my friends around me found it difficult to use. So I simplified the functions to make them easier to use. And, by making both the Base64 image uploader and storage uploader methods available, you can easily upload images.
The code source is at DYEditor repository
npm install dyeditor
If you use something like reset.css, the style will not be applied.
dyeditor has 1 component and 3 functions.
import DYEditor, { getData, uploadImages, getEditorTag } from 'dyeditor';
DYEditor component has 3 props.
import DYEditor from 'dyeditor';
function ReactComponent({_data, _readOnly, _imageUploader}) {
return <DYEditor
imageUpload={{uploader:_uploader, resizing: _resizing}} // uploader must be a function that takes a file as input and a imageUrl as output.
data is an initial value. The default value is "". -
You can select read mode or write mode. true is read mode, false is write mode. The default value is false, which is read mode. -
- uploader You can use Base64 image upload, storage image upload, or no image upload. If uploader is a function, it uses image upload. Which image upload to use is covered in the description of uploadImages. The default value is null, and image upload is not used. uploader must be a function that takes a file as input and a imageUrl as output.
- resizing You can select using resizing or not when upload images. true is using resizing image, false is using original image. The default value is false, which is not using resizing image.
When the getData function is called, the created html of DYEditor is returned.
The uploadImages function saves the Base64 image of DYEditor as a file in the user's storage and converts it to an image URL. Therefore, after executing uploadImages, it is recommended to save the return value of getData() in the Database. If you want to save the Base64 image to the database, you can use the return value of getData() without executing uploadImages. uploadImages is an async function.
import { getData, uploadImages } from 'dyeditor';
let content;
// use Base64
content = getData();
// use storage
uploadImages().then(results=>{ // results is the success or failure of uploadimages
content = getData();
When you want to customize the editor ui, use the getEditorTag function. getEditorTag is an async function that returns an editor HTML element.
import { getEditorTag } from 'dyeditor';
// customize editor ui
You can run an example using dkeditor in DYEditor repository.
git clone https://github.com/DongYu-Kim/DYEditor.git
cd dyeditor
npm install
npm run start
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