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Dynamic Form Json

dynamic-form-json is a tiny library to generate a Form in React automatically based on certain array of object that passed as a props. This library use regular css created from scratch, so user can customize it in the future. On top of it, i use Formik and Yup for form's skeleton and validations. Credit goes to vijayranghar for the inspiration how to create dynamic validation on Yup from this link.


npm install dynamic-form-json or yarn add dynamic-form-json

Peer Dependencies

Remember you also need to install the peer dependencies of this package. They are formik, yup, and styled-components.

How to Use

Incase you are curious to try this library, you can implement it as the source code below.


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));


import DynamicForm from 'dynamic-form-json';
import { formData } from './data/formData';

function App() {
  const handleSubmission = val => {
    console.log('Values : 'val)
  return (
      <h2>My Amazing Form</h2>
      <DynamicForm fields={formData} cbSubmit={handleSubmission} />

export default App;


export const formData = [
    id: "name",
    label: "Full name",
    placeholder: "Enter full name",
    type: "text",
    validationType: "string",
    value: "",
    validations: [
        type: "required",
        params: ["name is required"],
        type: "min",
        params: [5, "name cannot be less than 5 characters"],
        type: "max",
        params: [10, "name cannot be more than 10 characters"],

Supported Fields

Currently this library supports form input types such as:

  • [x] text

  • [x] select

  • [x] textarea

  • [x] radio

  • [x] checkbox

  • [x] upload


DynamicFormJSON - DynamicForm(fields: Array[Object], cbSubmit: Func)

This library could be imported by any name you like because we export it by default approach. It also accepts two parameters which are named fields and cbSubmit. All params are required.

import DynamicForm from "dynamic-form-json";

fields is a property that accepts array of object to create the inputs element inside a Form. The last one is cbSumbit, which will handle the submission for you. It accepts a callback function.


These are the properties you can pass to an Object in formData array to create TextField component. Not all of them are required. The properties required are id, and type.

Name Description PropType Required Default Props
id This id will be put as the name of the field / input element string true "" / empty string
label The label of the field string false Id (uppercase the first letter of id props). Example: id="email" => label="Email"
placeholder The placeholder of the field string false ""
type The type of the field string <= enum["text", "password", "number", "email"] true ""
value The default value of the field string false ""
validationType The validation type of the field. This is related to the type of data you'll enter in your field. If the data you will input to the field is number, you should make this as number. string false "string"
validations Validation rule for this field. This is similar to yup API because we used yup under the hood. array false "[]"


These are the properties you can pass to an Object in formData array to create SelectField component.

Name Description PropType Required Default Props
id This id will be put as the name of the field / input element string true "" / empty string
label The label of the field string false Id (uppercase the first letter of id props). Example: id="city" => label="City"
placeholder The placeholder of the field string false "Please select"
type The type of the field string <= "select" true ""
value The default value of the field string false ""
options The option list of the field / dropdown array false []
validationType The validation type of the field. This is related to the type of data you'll enter in your field. If the data you will input to the field is number, you should make this as number. string false "string"
validations Validation rule for this field. This is similar to yup API because we used yup under the hood. array false "[]"


These are the properties you can pass to an Object in formData array to create TextArea component.

Name Description PropType Required Default Props
id This id will be put as the name of the field / input element string true "" / empty string
label The label of the field string false Id (uppercase the first letter of id props). Example: id="address" => label="Address"
placeholder The placeholder of the field string false ""
type The type of the field string true <= "textarea" ""
value The default value of the field string false ""
validationType The validation type of the field. This is related to the type of data you'll enter in your field. If the data you will input to the field is number, you should make this as number. string false "string"
validations Validation rule for this field. This is similar to yup API because we used yup under the hood. array false "[]"


These are the properties you can pass to an Object in formData array to create Radio component.

Name Description PropType Required Default Props
id This id will be put as the name of the field / input element string true "" / empty string
label The label of the field string false Id (uppercase the first letter of id props). Example: id="gender" => label="Gender"
placeholder The placeholder of the field string false ""
type The type of the field string true <= "radio" ""
value The default value of the field string false ""
options The option list of the radio field array false []
validationType The validation type of the field. This is related to the type of data you'll enter in your field. If the data you will input to the field is number, you should make this as number. string false "string"
validations Validation rule for this field. This is similar to yup API because we used yup under the hood. array false "[]"


These are the properties you can pass to an Object in formData array to create Checkbox component.

Name Description PropType Required Default Props
id This id will be put as the name of the field / input element string true "" / empty string
label The label of the field string false Id (uppercase the first letter of id props). Example: id="hobbies" => label="Hobbies"
placeholder The placeholder of the field string false ""
type The type of the field string true <= "checkbox" ""
value The default value of the field string false ""
options The option list of the checkbox field array false []
validationType The validation type of the field. This is related to the type of data you'll enter in your field. If the data you will input to the field is number, you should make this as number. string false "string"
validations Validation rule for this field. This is similar to yup API because we used yup under the hood. array false "[]"


These are the properties you can pass to an Object in formData array to create UploadField component.

Name Description PropType Required Default Props
id This id will be put as the name of the field / input element string true "" / empty string
label The label of the field string false Id (uppercase the first letter of id props). Example: id="photo" => label="Photo"
placeholder The placeholder of the field string false ""
type The type of the field string <= "upload" true ""
value The default value of the field string false ""
validationType The validation type of the field. This is related to the type of data you'll enter in your field. If the data you will input to the field is number, you should make this as number. string false "string"
validations Validation rule for this field. This is similar to yup API because we used yup under the hood. array false "[]"


This package is still on development. Not ready yet to use in production.

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  • ridoansalehnasution