Tool for easily using Realm with schemas that are not known until runtime, e.g. user-defined schemas
Realm is great! If there is no need to share content between users, then a local Realm instance and the structure of the data to be stored is all that is needed.
Often, apps aim to generalize their use case to be more accessible to a wider audience, especially "progress" and "daily tracking" apps.
Maybe the user should be able to define the structure of the data they want to track.
In this case, the Realm schemas are not known until the user defines them at runtime, so a Realm cannot be readily opened, and a solution for saving these "dynamic" schemas must be implemented.
DynamicRealm was made to solve this problem. DynamicRealm allows users to save any number of data structures (Realm schemas), while developers can use DynamicRealm to simply "load" realms with a set of these dynamic schemas.
Install via NPM:
npm install annoy.js
import DynamicRealm from '../src';
// 1. Init DynamicRealm
const realmPath = 'CustomRealmPath.path';
await DynamicRealm.init({ realmPath });
// 2.1. Define some new schemas
const REALM_PATH_1 = 'RealmPath1.path';
const REALM_PATH_2 = 'RealmPath2.path';
const SCHEMA_1: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
name: 'Schema1',
primaryKey: 'name',
properties: {
name: 'string',
data: 'string',
const SCHEMA_PARAMS_1: SaveSchemaParams = {
realmPath: REALM_PATH_1,
schema: SCHEMA_1,
const SCHEMA_2: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
name: 'Schema2',
primaryKey: 'name',
properties: {
name: 'string',
data: 'int',
const SCHEMA_PARAMS_2: SaveSchemaParams = {
realmPath: REALM_PATH_1,
schema: SCHEMA_2,
const SCHEMA_3: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
name: 'Schema3',
primaryKey: 'name',
properties: {
name: 'string',
data: 'float',
const SCHEMA_PARAMS_3: SaveSchemaParams = {
realmPath: REALM_PATH_2,
schema: SCHEMA_3,
// 2.2. Save these new schemas
// 3. Load a realm with these new schemas
// 3.1. Based on selected schemas
const someRealmPath: string = 'SomeRealmPath.path';
const customRealm: Realm = await DynamicRealm.loadRealmFromSchemas({ realmPath: someRealmPath, schemaNames: [SCHEMA_1.name, SCHEMA_2.name, SCHEMA_3.name] });
// 3.2. Based on realmPath
const realm1: Realm = await DynamicRealm.loadRealm(REALM_PATH_1);
const realm2: Realm = await DynamicRealm.loadRealm(REALM_PATH_2);