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1.0.7 • Public • Published


Dynamicx is the ESM version of dynamics.js (a JavaScript library to create physics-based animations) for better coding experience. Here are some examples.



import dynamicx into your module:

import dynamicx from 'dynamicx'

You can animate CSS properties of DOM element. Here in dynamicx, length properties, transform functions are most used. For length property values, we can simply use number, the default unit is px.

var el = document.getElementById('logo')
dynamicx.animate(el, {
  translateX: 350,
  scale: 2,
  opacity: 0.5
}, {
  type: dynamicx.spring,
  frequency: 200,
  friction: 200,
  duration: 1500

You also can animate SVG attribute.

var path = document.querySelector('path')
dynamicx.animate(path, {
  d: 'M0,0 L0,100 L100,50 L0,0 Z',
  fill: 'red',
  rotateZ: 45,
  // rotateCX and rotateCY are the center of the rotation
  rotateCX: 100,
  rotateCY: 100
}, {
  friction: 800

And any JavaScript object.

var o = {
  number: 10,
  color: '#FFFFFF',
  string: '10deg',
  array: [ 1, 10 ]
dynamicx.animate(o, {
  number: 20,
  color: '#000000',
  string: '90deg',
  array: [-9, 99 ]


dynamicx.animate(el, properties, options)

Animates an element to the properties with the animation options.

  • el is a DOM element, a JavaScript object or an Array of elements
  • properties is an object of the properties/values you want to animate
  • options is an object representing the animation
    • type is the animation type: dynamicx.spring, dynamicx.easeInOut,... (default: dynamicx.easeInOut)
    • frequency, friction, bounciness,... are specific to the animation type you are using
    • duration is in milliseconds (default: 1000)
    • delay is in milliseconds (default: 0)
    • complete (optional) is the completion callback
    • change (optional) is called at every change. Two arguments are passed to the function. function(el, progress)
      • el is the element it's animating
      • progress is the progress of the animation between 0 and 1


Stops the animation applied on the element

dynamicx.css(el, properties)

This is applying the CSS properties to your element with the correct browser prefixes.

  • el is a DOM element
  • properties is an object of the CSS properties

dynamicx.setTimeout(fn, delay)

Dynamicx has its own setTimeout. The reason is that requestAnimationFrame and setTimeout have different behaviors. In most browsers, requestAnimationFrame will not run in a background tab while setTimeout will. This can cause a lot of problems while using setTimeout along your animations. I suggest you use Dynamicx's setTimeout and clearTimeout to handle these scenarios.

  • fn is the callback
  • delay is in milliseconds

Returns a unique id


Clears a timeout that was defined earlier

  • id is the timeout id


Toggle a debug mode to slow down every animations and timeouts. This is useful for development mode to tweak your animation. This can be activated using Shift + D in the browser.

Dynamicx and properties


  • frequency default is 300
  • friction default is 200
  • anticipationSize (optional)
  • anticipationStrength (optional)


  • frequency default is 300
  • friction default is 200

dynamicx.forceWithGravity and dynamicx.gravity

  • bounciness default is 400
  • elasticity default is 200

dynamicx.easeInOut, dynamicx.easeIn and dynamicx.easeOut

  • friction default is 500


No properties


  • points array of points and control points

The easiest way to output this kind of array is to use the curve creator. Here is an example:

[{x:0, y:0, cp:[{x:0.2, y:0}]},
 {x:0.5, y:-0.4, cp:[{x:0.4, y:-0.4},{x:0.8, y:-0.4}]},
 {x:1, y:1, cp:[{x:0.8,y:1}]}]


Compile: npm run build

Run tests: npm test

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  • riafan