Official actions to synchronize code from DynamoDB-Toolbox and DynamoDB-Toolshack.
# npm
npm add dynamodb-toolshack
# yarn
npm add dynamodb-toolshack
# pnpm
pnpm add dynamodb-toolshack
Note that DynamoDB-Toolbox is required as a peer dependency.
The Synchronizer
is a DynamoDB-Toolbox Table Action to synchronize a Table and its Entities to DynamoDB-Toolshack:
import { Synchronizer } from 'dynamodb-toolshack'
.entities(MyEntity, AnotherEntity, ...)
// 👇 AWS Config (required)
awsAccountId: '398259209128', // AWS AccountId
awsRegion: 'us-east-1' // AWS Region
// 👇 Assign an access role (optional)
roleName: 'DynamoDBToolshackAccountAccessRole',
description: 'Optional role description'
// 👇 Choose DynamoDB-Toolshack metadata (optional)
awsAccountTitle: 'Dev',
// 👇
awsAccountColor: 'blue',
awsAccountDescription: 'Account for development purposes',
// 👇
tableIcon: 'database-zap',
tableTitle: 'Super Table',
tableDescription: 'An Awesome Table for development use',
entities: {
[]: {
// 👇
entityIcon: 'cat',
entityTitle: 'Super Entity',
entityDescription: 'An Awesome Entity for development use'
// 👇
apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
// 👇 Keep only specified entities for the Table (optional, `false` by default)
deleteUnknownEntities: true,
// 👇 Override Table instance name (optional)
tableName: 'my-table-name'
Please read the Reference for more details on the DynamoDB-Toolshack API.