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1.0.2 • Public • Published

EasyCampus College Administration System

EasyCampus College Administration System is a TypeScript library that simplifies college management tasks, including course scheduling, instructor assignments, and student capacity checks.

📦 Installation

You can install the package via npm:

npm i easycampus-college-admin-system

Traceability Matrix

Requirement ID Requirement Description Feature/Function Jest Test Case ID Test Status
RQ001 The system shall allow to create new applicants and submit applications Applicant constructor and submit application method TC001 Passed
RQ002 The system shall maintain a catalog of academic courses Course constructor, assigning an instructor for the course, checking capacity, and getting course details methods TC002 Passed
RQ003 The system shall allow instructors to create and manage their profiles. Instructor constructor, and submit grades and get assigned courses methods TC003 Passed
RQ004 The system shall maintain a catalog of academic programs Program constructor and get Capacity, add a course and retrieve program details methods TC004 Passed
RQ005 The system shall allow students to enroll in courses Enrollment constructor TC005 Passed
RQ006 The system shall allow students to register for program and to get relevant academic information Student constructor, register for program, view transcript and check academic standing methods TC006 Passed
RQ007 The system shall provide different access levels based on user roles. Role constructor TC007 Passed

Test Journal Entry

Date: 2024-11-15 Test Case ID: TC001 Description: Verified adding an Applicant and submitting an application Result: Passed Command to run the test: npx jest applicant Observations: The test gets the applicant, sets and retrieves the applicant’s name, email, address, and contact. It also allows the applicant to submit an application, upload documents, and check the application status.

Date: 2024-11-15 Test Case ID: TC002 Description: Verified adding a course, assigning an instructor for the course, checking capacity, and getting course details Result: Passed Command to run the test: npx jest course Observations: The test adds a new course with all its arguments, then it tested the getter and setter methods, and finally assigned an instructor to the course and retrieved the course details.

Date: 2024-11-15 Test Case ID: TC003 Description: Verified adding an instructor and allowing the instructor to get all assigned courses and submit grades for a student Result: Passed Command to run the test: npx jest instructor Observations: The test creates a new instructor, assigns some courses, and tests its capability of submitting students’ grades.

Date: 2024-11-15 Test Case ID: TC004 Description: Verified adding a program Result: Passed Command to run the test: npx jest program.test.ts Observations: The test creates a new program, associates a course with the new program, and retrieves the program details.

Date: 2024-11-15 Test Case ID: TC005 Description: Verified creating an enrollment Result: Passed Command to run the test: npx jest enrollment Observations: The test did not run successfully. According to the error, the enrollment variable type has not been defined correctly.

Date: 2024-11-15 Test Case ID: TC006 Description: Verified creating a new student, registering for a program, viewing their transcript, and checking academic standing Result: Passed Command to run the test: npx jest student Observations: The test ran correctly, allowing the creation of a new student with all its arguments, and then tested all the getter and setter methods along with the registerForProgram(), addAcademicRecord(), and checkAcademicStanding() methods.

Date: 2024-11-15 Test Case ID: TC007 Description: Verified creating a role in the system Result: Passed Command to run the test: npx jest role Observations: The test did not run successfully. According to the error, the role variable type has not been defined correctly.

📖 API Documentation

Class: Applicant

Constructor typescript new Applicant( applicantId: string, name: string, email: string, address: string, contact: string );

• applicantId: A unique identifier for the applicant. • name: Name of the applicant. • email: Email address of the applicant. • address: Residential address of the applicant. • contact: Contact number of the applicant.

Methods • getApplicantId(): string Returns the unique applicant ID. (Read-only) • getName(): string Returns the name of the applicant. • setName(newName: string): void Updates the applicant’s name. • getEmail(): string Returns the email address of the applicant. • setEmail(newEmail: string): void Updates the email address of the applicant. • getAddress(): string Returns the residential address of the applicant. • setAddress(newAddress: string): void Updates the residential address of the applicant. • getContact(): string Returns the contact number of the applicant. • setContact(newContact: string): void Updates the contact number of the applicant. • submitApplication(): void Logs the submission of an application by the applicant. • uploadDocuments(): void Logs the uploading of documents by the applicant. • checkApplicationStatus(): string Returns the status of the application, e.g., “Application in Review”.

Class: Course Constructor typescript new Course( courseId: string, description: string, courseName: string, credits: number, capacity: number, instructor: string );

• courseId: A unique identifier for the course. • description: Description of the course. • courseName: Name of the course. • credits: Number of credits the course offers. • capacity: Maximum number of students allowed. • instructor: Name of the instructor assigned to the course.

Methods • getCourseId(): string Returns the course ID. • getCourseName(): string Returns the course name. • setCourseName(newName: string): void Updates the course name. • getCredits(): number Returns the number of credits for the course. • setCredits(newCredits: number): void Updates the number of credits for the course. • getCapacity(): number Returns the course capacity. • setCapacity(newCapacity: number): void Updates the course capacity. • getInstructor(): string Returns the name of the instructor assigned to the course. • setInstructor(newInstructor: string): void Updates the instructor assigned to the course. • getPrerequisites(): string[] Returns a list of prerequisites for the course. • addPrerequisite(prerequisite: string): void Adds a prerequisite to the course. • scheduleCourse(termId: string): void Schedules the course for a specified term, logging the event. • assignInstructor(instructorId: string): void Assigns a new instructor to the course and logs the assignment. • checkCapacity(): boolean Checks if there is available capacity for the course (returns true if capacity is greater than 0). • getCourseDetails(): string Returns a string with the course name and credits (formatted as ${this.courseName} (${this.credits} credits)).

Class: Enrollment Constructor

typescript new Enrollment( enrollmentId: string, studentId: string, programId: string );

• enrollmentId: A unique identifier for the enrollment. • studentId: ID of the student associated with the enrollment. • programId: ID of the program the student is enrolled in. • status: Enrollment status, initialized to “Enrolled”.

Methods • confirmEnrollment(): void Confirms the enrollment for the student in the specified program and logs the confirmation. • waitlistStudent(courseId: string): void Adds the student to the waitlist for the specified course and logs the action. • dropCourse(courseId: string): void Drops the specified course for the student and logs the action.

Class: Financial Constructor

typescript new Financial( receiptId: string, amountDue: number, scholarship: number );

• receiptId: A unique identifier for the financial receipt. • amountDue: The total amount due for the student. • scholarship: The amount of scholarship applied to reduce the tuition cost.

Methods • calculateTuition(studentId: string): number Calculates the tuition due for the specified student by subtracting the scholarship amount from the total amount due and logs the calculation. Returns: The net tuition amount. • applyScholarship(scholarshipId: string): void Applies the specified scholarship to the student’s account and logs the application. • generateReceipt(): string Generates and returns a string representing the receipt details, including the receipt ID and amount due.

Class: Instructor Constructor typescript new Instructor( instructorId: string, name: string, department: string );

• instructorId: A unique identifier for the instructor. • name: Name of the instructor. • department: Department the instructor belongs to.

Methods • getInstructorId(): string Returns the unique ID of the instructor. • getInstructorName(): string Returns the name of the instructor. • submitGrades(studentId: string, courseId: string, grade: string): void Submits a grade for the specified student in the specified course and logs the submission. • getAssignedCourses(): string[] Returns a list of assigned courses for the instructor.

Class: Payment Constructor typescript new Payment( paymentId: string, paymentType: string, amountPaid: number );

• paymentId: A unique identifier for the payment. • paymentType: The type of payment (e.g., credit card, cash). • amountPaid: The amount paid.

Methods • getPaymentId(): string Returns the unique payment ID. • processPayment(amount: number): boolean Processes a payment for the specified amount, updates the amountPaid, and logs the payment processing. Returns: true if the payment is successfully processed. • refundPayment(): boolean Refunds the payment and logs the refund action. Returns: true if the refund is successfully processed.

Class: Program Constructor typescript new Program( programId: string, programName: string, capacity: number );

• programId: A unique identifier for the program. • programName: Name of the program. • capacity: Maximum number of students allowed in the program.

Methods • getProgramId(): string Returns the unique ID of the program. • getProgramName(): string Returns the name of the program. • setProgramName(newName: string): void Updates the name of the program. • getRequirements(): string[] Returns a list of requirements for the program. • addRequirement(requirement: string): void Adds a requirement to the program. • getCapacity(): number Returns the capacity of the program. • setCapacity(newCapacity: number): void Updates the capacity of the program. • addCourse(courseId: string): void Adds a course to the program and logs the action. • checkCapacity(): boolean Checks if there is available capacity for the program (returns true if capacity is greater than 0). • getProgramDetails(): string Returns a string containing the program details, including the program name and capacity.

Class: Role Constructor typescript new Role( roleId: string, roleName: string );

• roleId: A unique identifier for the role. • roleName: The name of the role. • permissions: A list of permissions associated with the role (initialized as an empty array).

Methods • getRoleID(): string Returns the unique ID of the role. • getRoleName(): string Returns the name of the role. • assignRole(userId: string, roleId: string): void Assigns the role to the specified user and logs the assignment. • revokeRole(userId: string): void Revokes the role from the specified user and logs the revocation.

Class: Student Constructor typescript new Student( studentId: string, name: string, email: string );

• studentId: A unique identifier for the student. • name: Name of the student. • email: Email address of the student. • academicHistory: An array representing the student’s academic records (initialized as an empty array). • status: The academic standing status of the student (default is “Good Standing”).

Methods • getStudentId(): string Returns the unique ID of the student. • getName(): string Returns the name of the student. • setName(newName: string): void Updates the name of the student. • getEmail(): string Returns the email address of the student. • setEmail(newEmail: string): void Updates the email address of the student. • getAcademicHistory(): string[] Returns the academic history of the student. • addAcademicRecord(record: string): void Adds a record to the student’s academic history. • getStatus(): string Returns the current academic status of the student. • setStatus(newStatus: string): void Updates the academic status of the student. • registerForProgram(programId: string): void Registers the student for the specified program and logs the registration. • viewTranscript(): string Returns the student’s transcript as a string, listing academic records. • checkAcademicStanding(): string Returns the academic standing status of the student.

Class: Term Constructor typescript new Term( termId: string, termName: string, registrationStart: Date, addDropDeadline: Date, withdrawalDeadline: Date, studyStartDate: Date );

• termId: A unique identifier for the term. • termName: Name of the term. • registrationStart: Date when registration begins for the term. • addDropDeadline: Date when adding or dropping courses is no longer allowed. • withdrawalDeadline: Date when withdrawal from courses is no longer allowed. • studyStartDate: Date when the term’s studies officially begin.

Methods • getTermId(): string Returns the unique ID of the term. • getTermName(): string Returns the name of the term. • setTermName(newName: string): void Updates the name of the term. • getRegistrationStart(): Date Returns the registration start date. • setRegistrationStart(newDate: Date): void Updates the registration start date. • getAddDropDeadline(): Date Returns the add/drop deadline date. • setAddDropDeadline(newDate: Date): void Updates the add/drop deadline date. • getWithdrawalDeadline(): Date Returns the withdrawal deadline date. • setWithdrawalDeadline(newDate: Date): void Updates the withdrawal deadline date. • getStudyStartDate(): Date Returns the study start date. • setStudyStartDate(newDate: Date): void Updates the study start date. • openRegistration(): void Logs that registration has opened for the term. • closeRegistration(): void Logs that registration has closed for the term. • getTermSchedule(): string[] Returns an array containing key schedule details of the term, including term name, registration start date, and add/drop deadline date.

🛠️ Development To contribute or run the project locally:

Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/devopsguardians/easycampus-college-admin-system.git

Install dependencies: npm install

Run tests: npm test

🤝 Contributing We welcome contributions! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.




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  • mariamelendez