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1.3.5-beta.0 • Public • Published

02 December, 2021

TGVE · Node CI npm version

This is a React Component ES Module that can be embedded in your React applications. This is an npm package output of TGVE (eAtlas) project.

Currently these variables can be passed to the eAtlas app, each (except objects) can be passed as an environment variable like REACT_APP_LAYER_NAME or when using eAtlas as a component <Eatlas layerName="geojson">. As of version 1.3.5-beta.0, they can also be passed to the TGVE as URL query parameters. For instance localhost:3000?dark=false.

The exception is that leftSidebarContent cannot be passed as an environment variable. For more on passing variables to a React app and the prefix of REACT_App_ please see React docs here.

As of version 1.3.4-beta.1 these API variables can be passed to TGVE:

  • data: valid geojson object. If a valid GeoJSON object is provided both defaultURL and geographyURL will be ignored, which also means geographyColumn would be ignored, too.

  • defaultURL: which returns a valid geojson object when fetched. It can be used to fetch CSVs which is converted to geojson by eAtlas after fetching.

  • geographyURL: which returns a valid geojson dataset. If this variable is provided, data is fetched separately along with defaultURL, eAtlas uses the geographyColumn to join them. eAtlas does this oth on initialization and when reset button is pressed.

  • geographyColumn: a column name which is shared between data within the defaultURL and geographyURL or a mapping between the two. If a mapping is provided it must be in this format: defaultURLColumnName:geographyURLColumnName. This is the joining column that will result in dynamically generating geojson data for eAtlas to consume. If a valid column name is not provided TGVE will fail to load any data to the given geography.

  • column: if provided, and if the geometry is of particular type which would need a column, it would be used. Defaults on to the second column as often first column is an ID of sort.

  • layerName: if provided, and if the given name is in the list of DeckGL layers supported by eAtlas, will be passed to generate the layer with the name given.

  • dark: by default baseui/baseweb is set to dark, you can change the theme to other (e.g. light)

  • leftSidebarContent: is based on React standard children. This is where users can add their own UI and more, though this requires competent React concepts. A simple use would be to pass plain text description of data/project etc. Please see TGVE documentations.

  • viewport: TGVE’s main functionality is to auto-adjust the viewport (see DeckGL docs). However, the initial viewport can be set using this JSON parameter. The default values are: {longitude: -1.6362, latitude: 53.8321, zoom: 10, pitch: 55, bearing: 0}. If any of these are missing, they will be populated from these default values.

  • hideChartGenerator boolean value which would hide the sidebar component which generates charts from the data.

  • hideCharts boolean value which would hide all charts. This takes priority over hideChartGenerator parameter.

None of the above is necessary and in the current release “Add data” button will allow loading data into eAtlas.

See the main repo for more about the project.

Using github pages

See the main repo guide for more details but you can use a template (tgve/eatlas-template) repo to publish your data using eAtlas.


See the main repo for more details but the package is a fork from a create-react-app boilerplate.


The package follows create-react-app testing kits and uses mainly jest. Run npm run test.

Change log

  • 1.3.5-beta.0
    • The TGVE now accepts the API variables as URL query parameters.
  • 1.3.4.beta.4
    • Minor issues and post tgver package Tests
    • Path layer API in
  • 1.3.4.beta.0
    • API value hideChartGenerator is one of the few from the wider and potentially hideSidebar.
    • Added basic version of “screenshot” or save. The future plan for this is a full analytic report (PDF) generation.
    • Minor fixes and changes
  • 1.3.3-beta.0
    • More APIs as TGVE is in showcase driven development.
    • Added viewport API JSON variable.
  • 1.3.2-beta.0
    • Better history management and respects host paths.
  • 1.3.1-beta.0
    • Preparing to remove the beta tag.
    • TGVE has now been migrated to its organisation on
    • Added two new API variables (dark, leftSidebarContent)
    • Lots of improvements and minor fixes
  • 1.3.0-beta.2
    • Minor fix for initial analysis of data column name.
  • 1.1.0-beta.0
    • support for separating data from geography.
    • minor improvements elsewhere




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