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2.1.0 • Public • Published


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edc-popover-js is a javascript library for displaying the edc contextual help content.

The project is part of easy doc contents (edc).

edc is a simple yet powerful tool for agile-like documentation management.

Learn more at https://www.easydoccontents.com.


Peer dependencies: for a ready-to-use solution for the icons:

How to use


You can import this module with npm by running:

npm install edc-popover-js --save

Or with yarn:

yarn add edc-popover-js

Then import the style files:

import 'edc-popover-js/dist/edc-popover.css';

For the default icons, you'll need to import font-awesome

$ npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-free


$ yarn add @fortawesome/fontawesome-free

Then import the styles in your application:

import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css';

Or you can use another library for the icons - see below for the available options.


Provide a edc configuration object with the static Popover.config(myEdcConfig) method.

The configuration object has the following properties:

Attribute Type Description Mandatory / default value
pluginId string The identifier of the target plugin documentation export yes
helpPath string The path to edc-help-ng application help
docPath string The path to exported documentation doc
i18nPath string The path to translation json files doc/i18n
options IEdcPopoverOptions Options for the popover no

Example :

const edcConfig = {
    pluginId: 'edc',
    docPath: '/doc',
    helpPath: 'https://demo.easydoccontents.com/help',
    i18nPath: './doc/i18n',
    /* you can define global options here options: { placement: 'left', ..... }
      placement: 'bottom'

Creating popovers

Instantiating a group of popovers

Add the class edc-help class to every parent element of a edc help popover.

Note that the mandatory data-main-key and data-sub-key attributes need to be defined for each element.

<div class="edc-help" data-main-key="one.main.key" data-sub-key="one.sub.key"></div>

<div class="edc-help" data-main-key="one.main.key" data-sub-key="another.sub.key"></div>

Calling the Popover.createAll() will create a popover for each element with this class.


If you want to use another class, pass it as a first argument.


You can also specify popover properties for the whole group as a second argument.

// These options will override the ones defined with the configuration for those popovers
const options = {
	trigger: 'mouseenter'
Popover.createAll('specific-class-name', { options });

Instantiating one popover passing the reference of the element

Considering you have defined in the dom the following elements

<div id="popover1"
 data-options='{ "trigger": "mouseenter" }'>
<div id="popover2"></div>

You can create the popover passing the reference of one specific element

const popover1 = document.getElementById('popover1');

const props = {
	mainKey: 'help.center',
    subKey: 'settings',
	options: {
    	animation: 'shift-away'
// Popover properties passed as second arguments - they will override any property defined  in the html
Popover.create(document.getElementById('popover2'), props);

Inputs and options

Mandatory inputs

Mandatory inputs:

Prop Type Description
mainKey string The main key of the contextual help
subKey string The sub key of the contextual help

Optional inputs

Optional inputs for the component:

Input Name Return type Description Default value
pluginId string A different pluginId from the one defined in the main service undefined
lang string The language to use, for labels and contents, identified by the 2 letters from the ISO639-1 standard. Will use documentation's default if no value is provided undefined
options EdcPopoverOptions Options for this popover - will overwrite global options undefined

Available options (EdcPopoverOptions):

Property Type Description Default
icon PopoverIcon Icon settings, see Icon PopoverIcon
failBehavior FailBehavior Icon and popover behavior on error, see Fail Behavior FailBehavior
placement popper.js Placement Popover positioning relatively to the icon bottom
hideOnClick boolean If true, any click outside of the popover will close it (inside too if interactive is false) true
interactive boolean Determine if we can interact with the popover content true
trigger string Event that will trigger the popover: click mouseenter focus click
customClass string class name that will be added to the main popover container undefined
dark boolean Dark mode false
theme string Popover's theme name undefined
displayPopover boolean Show the popover / Go directly to the web help viewer on click true
displaySeparator boolean Show / Hide the separator between header and body true
displayTitle boolean Show / Hide the header containing the title true
displayArticles boolean Show / Hide the articles section true
displayRelatedTopics boolean Show / Hide the related Topics (aka Links) section true
displayTooltip boolean Show / Hide the icon tooltip true
delay `number [number, number]` Delay in milliseconds before showing the popover - if array, delay for opening and closing respectively
animation Animation Animation when opening / closing the popover undefined
appendTo `'parent' Element (() => Element)`


PopoverIcon contains the options for the icon.

Property Type Description Default
class string Class name for the icon. Font awesome icon classes are handled natively 'fa fa-question-circle-o'
url string Image url, size is determined by height, and width properties undefined
height number Image height in pixels (for url images only) 18
width number Image width in pixels (for url images only). Will take height value if none is provided 18

If class property is provided, it will overwrite the default class 'fa fa-question-circle-o'. If url is defined, it will override the class property, even if class is defined.

####Fail Behavior If the help content failed to be loaded - or any other error occurred, the icon and the popover will look for the FailBehavior options to define their style and content.

There are separate behaviors for the help icon, and the popover itself.

For the help icon when an error occurs, it adds the following css selector.

Behavior Description CSS selector
SHOWN The help icon is shown as usual (default) .edc-help-icon
DISABLED The help icon is greyed out .edc-icon-disabled
HIDDEN The help icon is completely hidden (but stays in DOM to avoid breaking the UI) .edc-icon-hidden
ERROR The help icon is replaced by an exclamation point .edc-icon-error

Default values are in file style.less

For the popover when an error occurs:

  • ERROR_SHOWN An error message is shown in the popover
  • FRIENDLY_MSG A friendly and translated message is shown in the popover
  • NO_POPOVER No popover appears when the help icon is triggered

By default, the icon is SHOWN and the popover is set to FRIENDLY_MSG.




When dark-mode is enabled, the CSS class edc-on-dark is applied to the help icon.


You can customize the popover with CSS classes as described below :

CSS Classes

For more control, the customClass option will add the given class name to the popover container .edc-popover-container. You can then override the main classes.

For example, if you'd like to change the background color of the popover

.my-custom-class {
    background-color: lightgreen;
/* or the title font-size */
.my-custom-class .edc-popover-title {
    font-size: 18px;

Providing your own translations for the popover labels

You can set additional translations (or replace the existing ones) by adding i18n json files to the documentation folder.

Please note that one file is required per language (see file example below), and should be named following the ISO639-1 two letters standards (ie en.json, it.json...).

By default, edc-popover-js will be looking for the files in [yourDocPath]/popover/i18n/ (*.json), but you can change this path by modifying getI18nPath() in your PopoverConfigurationHandler.

edc-popover-js comes with English and French translations, and supports up to 36 languages. For the full list, please refer to LANGUAGE_CODES.

JSON file structure

Here is the en.json file used by default:

  "labels": {
  "articles": "Need more...",
  "links": "Related topics",
  "iconAlt": "Help",
  "comingSoon": "Contextual help is coming soon.",
  "errorTitle":  "Error",
  "errors": {
    "failedData": "An error occurred when fetching data !\nCheck the brick keys provided to the EdcHelp component."
  "content": null,
  "url": "",
  "exportId": ""


edc-popover-js uses Storybook for isolated UI components and features testing:

Install dependencies and run storybook, with npm

npm install
npm run storybook

Or with yarn

yarn install
yarn storybook

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npm i edc-popover-js

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  • danielmayer