
0.2.2 • Public • Published


Functional React Architecture inspired by omniscient and browser.html. Comments/suggestions/PRs are all welcome. This is still experimental.

what is elegant-react?

elegant-react is an npm package. The source code for the npm package is in the src/ directory of this repo.

This github repo is also currently the home for a growing number of experiments related to React functional patterns. The code for these experiments live in the examples/ dir. Some use the elegant-react npm package but others, for the sake of simplicity, do not.

The elegant-react npm package provides:

  • A simple ES7 class decorator (@elegant-react) that via a higher-order component (HoC) facilitates working with immutable data:

    • Automatically optimizes your shouldComponentUpdate. In order for this optimization to be efficient, all props passed to components should be scalar or immutable values. If you need to further optimize shouldComponentUpdate you can define your own, and because the @elegant decorator is a HoC there's no need to worry about collisions.

    • Allows designated props to be treated as static so that changes to those props don't trigger render updates.

  • A simple subedit function that looks like this:

      const subedit = (edit, ...path) => transform =>
          edit(state => state.updateIn(path, transform));


This repo started off as a demonstration of some concepts that I wrote about in this Medium article and this one as well. However, since that time elegant-react has continued to evolve and things have changed significantly. For the purpose of education, you can check out the elegant-react-og repo which is a copy of the elegant-react repo immediately before it began to diverge from the content in those two Medium articles.


Install via npm

npm install elegant-react

Bringing it into your project

Import it:

import {elegant, subedit} from 'elegant-react';

Or if you'd like to enable debug mode:

import ElegantReact from 'elegant-react';
const {elegant, subedit} = ElegantReact({debug: true});

Note: the subedit function is also available as sub. It's a personal preference which you use. I like the way that sub(edit, 'foo') reads.

react-native support

Require it:

import {elegant, subedit} from 'elegant-react/native';

Or if you'd like to enable debug mode:

import ElegantReact from 'elegant-react/native';
const {elegant, subedit} = ElegantReact({debug: true});

Using in codepen, jsbin, etc.

Add the script:


This exposes the global object ElegantReact.

const {elegant, subedit} = ElegantReact;

Or if you'd like to enable debug mode:

const {elegant, subedit} = ElegantReact({debug: true});


First, make sure you understand the subedit (aka sub) function described in this Medium article

Then add the @elegant decorator to your component, specifying which props are static.

const inc = n => n + 1;

@elegant({statics: ['editValue']})
class Item extends Component {
  render() {
    const {item,editValue} = this.props;
    const onClick = _ => editValue(inc);
    return <li onClick={ onClick }>
      { item.get('name') } - { item.get('value') }

Now put that component to use:

const reverse = data => data.reverse();

@elegant({statics: ['edit']})
class Items extends Component {
  render() {
    const {items,edit} = this.props;

    const children = items.toArray().map(
      (item, index) =>
        <Item key={item.get('name')}
              editValue={sub(edit, index,'value')} /> );

    return  <div key="root">
      <button onClick={_ => edit(reverse)}>reverse</button>
      <ul>{ children }</ul>

The rest of the source for this demo is here and you can see it in action as well.


You might notice that elegant-react has no dependencies nor peerDependencies listed in it's package.json file. This is so it can support both react and react-native from the same npm package.

Although it's not a hard dependency, the provided subedit function is known to work with immutable-js. If you wish to use a different immutable lib, just create your own subedit function and it should work.

  • subedit for mori (untested)

      const subedit = (edit, ...path) => transform =>
          edit(state => mori.updateIn(state, path, transform));

Run the examples

Clone this repo, then:

npm install
npm run examples

... and navigate to http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/

differences from omniscient

  • elegant-react uses higher-order components where omniscient uses mixins
  • elegant-react components use a decorator to specify which props are static while omniscient uses a single prop called statics.
  • omniscient will perform deep comparisons on props of any type with lodash.isequal, elegant-react only performs shallow comparison assuming that if you need deep comparison you will use immutable objects or define your own shouldComponentUpdate
  • elegant-react uses idiomatic react approach (see this article for more info)
  • omniscient supports components as function without JSX
  • omniscient supports cursors
  • omniscient is battle-tested
  • omniscient is unit-tested
  • omniscient is ~18kb minified. elegant-react is ~4kb

live examples

  • Phone Input A very simple example of how to use elegant-react and a functional approach to creating an input component with custom formatting and masking rules.

  • Address Book with Stream-based Plugins Demonstrates how to use streams to create an undo/redo plugin. Introduces the concepts of previousEditStream, editStream, and wiredStream that allows a plugin to gain read and/or write access only to specific parts of the application state.

  • Scroll Spring Animation Demonstrates how to use react-springs (or react-animation) and how to create a scroll handling component using the same functional technique.

  • Reorder Items A very simple demo showing how to use elegant-react.

  • Form Validation (wip) Demonstrates how to create a robust plugin to handle validating form fields with a json scema using the jjv npm package. Also demonstrates how to compose decorators by combining @elegant with @validationDecorator.

  • elegant-react-hot-demo - This github repo demonstrates stream-based plugins (with flyd), animation with react-motion, hot reload, and time-travel scrubbing.


This project was originally a simplified version of omniscient which promotes the functional approach of browser.html. However, it has since evolved to become a more unique thing of it's own (see differences from omniscient above)

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