A two-thumb slider is a slider with two thumbs that each set a value in a group of related values, for example selecting a price range for a product or service.
This component is totally based on the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for accessible components. Slider (Multi-thumb)
ember install ember-aria-multi-thumb-slider
Pre-usage setup
Setup slider icons:
Add your icons for the left and right sliders to the following directory and name them as max-arrow.png
and min-arrow.png
cd <ember-app-root-dir>/public/images
Example Markup:
{{aria-multi-thumb-slider title="Select a hotel between $0 and $500" label="Hotel Price" minValue=0 maxValue=500 currentMin=50 currentMax=200 units="$"}}
For custom thumb sliders:
{{aria-multi-thumb-slider title="Select a flight between $0 and $1000" label="Flight Price" minValue=0 maxValue=100 currentMin=5 currentMax=50 minThumb="images/min-color-arrow.png" maxThumb="images/max-color-arrow.png" }}
title [STRING]
Tool-tip text for the slider
label [STRING]
ARIA label text for the thumbs.
minValue [NUMBER]
Minimum value for the range
maxValue [NUMBER]
Maximum value for the range
currentMin [NUMBER]
Current minimum value for the range
currentMax [NUMBER]
Current maximum value for the range
units [STRING]
The dimension for the value of slider
minThumb [STRING]
The image url for the minimum value thumb of the slider
maxThumb [STRING]
The image url for the maximum value thumb of the slider
unitPrefix [BOOLEAN]
The flag which tells whether we need to prefix or suffix the units to the value
Default: true
ember serve
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
Running Tests
npm test
(Runsember try:each
to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)ember test
ember test --server
ember build
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