
1.3.0 • Public • Published

Ember Profile Upload

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npm version Ember Observer Score This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember addon.

This addon provides simple file uploads for photo for things like profile pics.


ember install ember-profile-upload


To Allow for flexibility for server uploads, you will need to add a profile-upload service to your application:

ember g service profile-upload

Uploads with Cloudinary

For easy use, this addon comes with a fully implemented profile-upload service that allows you to upload images to Cloudinary. Before being able to use this service, you will need to install ember-get-config and ember-network:

ember install ember-get-config ember-network

Next add a basic set of config to your config/environment.js to configure Cloudinary:

cloudinary: {
  cloudName: `my-cloud-name`,
  uploadPreset: `emberez`,

Where cloudName is your account's cloud name, and uploadPreset is the name of an unsigned upload profile which can be configured in your upload settings.

Finally, in your generated profile-upload service, add the following:

import CloudinaryProfileUpload from 'ember-profile-upload/services/cloudinary-profile-upload';

export default CloudinaryProfileUpload.extend();

Now, you're all setup to use the profile-upload component.

Component Use

Now that things are setup, you are ready to use the profile-upload component. The component takes three attributes:

  • fileUrl - The current profile photo url
  • placeholderUrl - The image url to show if no photo is currently shown
  • onchange - A function to run when the file has successfully uploaded. This will be run with the result from your service's deserializeResponse

A quick example could be:

  onchange=(action (mut url))}}

Custom service

To support uploading files, you will need to implement two functions in this service:

  • upload - Returns a promise to upload the file to your API
    • Receives a file argument which is the first file's File object from a file input
  • deserializeResponse - Returns a string URL of the uploaded file from payload returned by upload

Optional Setup

The profile-upload service can also contain two other methods for greater flexibility:

  • destroyImage - Instructs the API to delete the old file
  • requestError - Handle errors from the AJAX request

Example service

The service below shows how to integrate with a Loopback API using loopback-component-storage as shown in the loopback-example-storage:

import Ember from 'ember';
import config from '../config/environment';

export default Ember.Service.extend({
  upload(file) {
    const data = new FormData();
    data.append(`value`, file);

    return Ember.$.ajax({
      method: `POST`,
      cache: false,
      processData: false,
      contentType: false,
      url: `${config.apiHost}/api/containers/${config.containerName}/upload`,

  destroyImage(file) {
    const url = file.replace(`download`, `files`);

    return Ember.$.ajax({
      method: `DELETE`,

  deserializeResponse(response) {
    const data = response.result.files.value[0];

    return `${config.apiHost}/api/containers/${data.container}/download/${data.name}`;

  requestError(err) {
    // Handle request errors here


This software is distributed under the MIT license.



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  • rtablada