Rapid, Smart, Intuitive forms for Ember.js styled with Bootstrap & Validation ready.
This is a fork of the original over at https://github.com/indexiatech/ember-forms
Installation & Tutorial
With Ember-CLI:
ember install ember-truth-helpers
ember install ember-rapid-forms
Please visit the documentation for installation & usage documentations: http://piceatech.github.io/ember-rapid-forms
Version Support
The Plugin starting from version 1.0.0 doesn't support ember versions below 1.13. If you need support for this work with a version < 1.0.0 or alternativly use https://github.com/indexiatech/ember-forms. If you use ember 2.0, 2.1 or 2.3, you have to use ember-rapid-forms '1.0.0-beta10'.
Plugin Development
ember serve
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
Running Tests
To test on all ember versions:
ember try:each
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
Releasing a new version
- Make the required changes which follow the Conventional Commits Specification.
- Run the script
npm run release
git push --tags
&&npm publish
Process of creating a PR
- Create PR
- Wait for one of the Team members to review change
- Respond to feedback
- Get changed merged
What a PR should include
A PR should include the following things:
- Changed Files (duuh)
- Test(s) showing what was fixed / added / deprecated
- No failing tests
- Added Documentation if needed
- Make sure you test against master. It may already got fixed
- Search for similiar issues
- Provide a JSBin with an example if possible
- Asaf Shakarchi (asaf)
- Ben Limmer (blimmer)
- Brandon Parsons (brandonparsons)
- Felix Fichte (spruce)
- Jack Matthews
- Josemar Luedke (josemarluedke)
- Josh Pfosi (joshpfosi)
- Michael Latta (TechnoMage)
- Patrick Ma (fivetwentysix)
- Pedro Kiefer (pedrokiefer)
Building and updating the Documentation
- Build the docs:
npm run update-page
- Upload the new pages
git push origin gh-pages
- If you don't have push access create PR (see section about PR)