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6.0.1 • Public • Published


In a given string convert unicode and :shortcode: emojis to <img /> tags.

Unicode version

Currently supported Unicode version: 15.0. Minimum supported emoji-assets version: 8.0.0.


This package is a collection of utility functions loosely based on twemoji and joypixels javascript libraries. It aims to completely replace those with a modern ES implementation, full unicode spec support and flexible image collection support. SVG sprites are not supported for performance reasons. For best results pair with



Determines if string contains only a single emoji. Automatically trims whitespace before checking. Returns bool.


Takes a string with shortnames and returns a string with every known emoji shortname replaced with corresponding unicode representation. Ignores unknown shortnames.


Opposite of shortnamesToUnicode.

renderShortname(string, options)

Takes a string with shortnames and returns a string with every known emoji shortname replaced with an image tag. Useful for rendering specific emojis when it's easier to use :bacon: instead of 🥓. For a list of supported options check below.

render(string, options)

Takes a string with unicode emojis and returns a string with every known emoji sequence replaced with an image tag. Useful for rendering user generated content. For a list of supported options check below.


An array of objects containing all supported emojis. Format is:

  category: "people", // emoji category according to spec
  hex: "1f603", // hex representation used to reference images
  shortname: ":smiley:", // shortname representation, legacy so no aliases are supported
  suggest: true // should this emoji appear in suggestions


String containing regular expression for a single emoji character supported by this library. Usage:

const myRegex = new RegExp(emojiRegex); // do stuff


Same as emojiRegex, but for shortnames.


Render functions and some helper functions support these options. This list contains keys and their default values.

  size: 64, // size of emojis to use when the default CDN is used
  className: null, // CSS class to use when rendering image tags
  unsafe: false, // when set to true, render will NOT sanitize the string, e.g. it forces "unsafe" output
  single: false, // when a string contains just a single emoji this speeds up render a bit
  cdn: undefined, // a CDN to use for image paths

By default, the path to emoji images is constructed like this: /images/emojis-v${version}/${size}. version is the version used to generate the emojis.json file and size is the asset size (32/64/128).

Example output: /images/emojis-v7.0.1/64/1f603.png. When cdn option is specified, it will be used instead. When just a size is specified, default path will be used with size being replaced by the one provided in options.

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  • jobemichael
  • hahiii
  • fweinrich
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